A proud moment for Provo Primary when our Science Team were announced 1st place winners in the FortisTCI Annual National Science and Technology Fair Science Project competition.
Congratulations to all our amazing students involved and to our incredible team leader, Mr. Jason (our Year 6 teacher and Science Fair / Quiz Coordinator this year). We were particularly proud of the students knowledge of the experiment, their use of scientific language and advanced level of understanding during their presentation before the judges. Well done everyone for all your hard work and effort and thank you to all who have supported them along the way.
We would like to pass on congratulations to all schools and students who competed in both the science project competition and quiz, with a special well done to all who accomplished 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions in each event. What an amazing variety of science themes were investigated and what a phenomenal level of scientific curiosity, knowledge and understanding we witnessed from all the youth across the TCI. There were many incredible displays from all the other schools and it must have been extremely hard for the judges to choose the winners.
Thank you to FortisTCI and the Education Department for encouraging the creative and talented young minds of our nation to express and cultivate their research temperament, and to share their knowledge through a healthy competition environment. What a wonderful way to celebrate students building their problem solving and critical thinking skills; developing their ability to work collaboratively and to successfully communicate their ideas and findings; and perhaps most of all, allowing them the opportunity to peruse their natural curiosity, to follow and share their passion, and to discover science through real-life, hand-on learning.