The first event this year organised by the Friends of Provo Primary School (FoPPS) was a fantastic success. There was a great turn out for the picnic on the beach on Saturday. It was a relaxed and fun way for new parents to meet others at the school and for staff and parents to enjoy a relaxed afternoon together.
 Not even the torrential downpour could dampen our spirits and when the sun came back out, the beach fun returned. Even JoJo heard about the event and came along to entertain us all with his antics.
Look at the slideshow to see some of the fun. FoPPS Beach Picnic
Great day and lovely to see so many families and teachers there having fun. I arrived just as the torrential rain started and stayed sheltered in my car, thinking of everyone on the beach huddled together under umbrellas. How lucky we were to have a visit from JoJo the dolphin! Thanks FoPPS for organising such a super social event.