Flamingo Class Whip up a Storm!

As part of our art project, we set ourselves the challenge of building a huge ocean mural directly onto our Tudor topic display board. In order to decide how to lay out our mural, we looked at a range of artworks from all around the world. Then, we used all of our cooperation and communication skills to organise ourselves into teams, so that we could work effectively together. Once prepared, the fun began! We pasted torn strips of paper onto the board using glue, layering each colour to create the impression of crashing waves. In just over an hour, with our hands and fingers thoroughly stuck together, we could step back and enjoy our creation! Read on to see more photos of us working together on this project and the finished mural.  We hope you like it as much as we do – please call by the Flamingo classroom to take a look for yourselves at the real thing.

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