Dr Craig Zavitz joined us in Flamingo Class today to help us understand our topic on the human skeleton in more detail. His expertise in the spine, neck and nervous system was tested to breaking point by our inquisitive Year 4 students!
Children were taught how to maintain a healthy spine by lifting safely, exercising and stretching. We also learned how chiropractors use their knowledge of the skeletal and nervous systems to help heal injuries and soreness caused by blockages to the delicate spinal cord.
We acted out the functions of the spine in order to understand how messages travel from the brain to every part of our bodies. This demonstration also helped us to understand how misalignment’s in the spine can block the sending and receiving of messages up and down the spinal cord.
Thanks to some very fine acting from our students, we also saw what a chiropractor might do to help fix these blockages.
Finally, it was Year 4’s turn to lead the session and ask some big questions of our expert! Thanks to some thoughtful and challenging questions, Dr Craig gave us some amazing information to help us extend our learning this term. All in all, we were all left AMAZED by how FANTASTIC the human body really is!
Thank you Dr Craig for a CRACKING morning!