Endangered and Extinct Research Projects

yr-6-endangered-and-extinct-research-projects-dec-2016-1Our biology strand of science concluded this term with Year 6 students presenting a research project based upon the areas of extinction and endangerment within our animal kingdom.

Year 6 were posed with the challenge of selecting four extinct animals and four animals who are on the endangered animals list.  After making their selections they had to carry out research using both traditional and digital resources to find out information about their selections.

The extinct section of the project examined theories presented by scientists to determine why extinction occurred for certain species; descriptions of how extinct animals looked when they roamed the earth; and environments and adaptations relevant to their survival when they lived.

The endangered animals section of the project investigated what the current situation is regarding our animal world; and how many species are under immediate threat of becoming extinct unless action is implemented across the globe.  This section focused heavily on habitat loss, poaching, illegal pets, animal testing and so on.  This section also gave considerable thought to how individuals can become proactive in the conservation of our animals.

The projects submitted contained wonderful information that really got to grips with the content matter at hand.  Some thoughtful commentary was also presented on how we can protect the animals in our world further.  Professional presentation added to the excellence of the final drafts of work completed.  Well done everybody!



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