Education Week 2020 – 1st – 6th March 2020

National Education Week here in the Turks and Caicos will be observed between 1st – 6th March 2020 under the theme, “Building a Resilient and Inclusive Education System”.

Click on to see how we will be celebrating Education Week at Provo Primary and Middle School.

This year’s theme song for Education Week,  is written and performed by the Clement Howell High School Choir.

Education Week was established more than 30 years ago to call attention to the importance of education and to showcase the talents of TCI teachers and students. During the week, schools throughout the country will host a myriad of activities and the general public is encouraged to join in unity with educators and students in support of the theme.

Here at Provo Primary and Middle School we will have a variety of activities going on throughout the week, with parent Mindfulness workshops with Michael Apollo and our EY ‘Open House’ showcase on Tuesday 3rd (8:30 – 9:15) and our Yr 1-8 on Friday 6th (2:15 – 2:50 ) sharing our work developing our appreciation and understanding of Mindfulness and the UN Sustainable Development Goals – two themes that aim to both improve our lives and our world.   We will also be showcasing examples of our students’ amazing home learning.

Mr. Toby and Mr. Jason and Miss Iman will lead our participation in the FORTIS Science Fair, so do go along to support our teams and learn about all of the amazing science work our country’s youth is investigating.

Dates and times of all community events are shown on the photo above.

By Clement Howell High School Choir

Education, Education, inclusive education (X2)

Verse 1
Knowledge is the key to education
With education comes decision
To build up our nation
Enhancing communication
With the teachers as our friends
Our confidence builds up giving us the strength to start again

Education determination
Building a resilient, inclusive, education system (x2)

Verse 2
We thrive reaching toward the stars
Working towards our goals with a set mind
Knowing that we can do our best if we try and our give our best
Believing in Jesus and ourselves

Education determination
Building a resilient, inclusive, education system (x2)

Education is the key to our success
Our teachers provide the knowledge we need
The TCI’s future is in our hands
Building a resilient education for all (X2)

Education determination
Building a resilient, inclusive, education system (x2)
Building a resilient education for all (X3)

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