"Eating a Rainbow"

Coining the phrase “Eating a Rainbow’ the children learned about how the colour of fruits and vegetables gives us a clue of what goodness lies within.    During our ‘Be Healthy Week’, we focused on promoting how our bodies benefit from a wide variety of these as we learned about how each one provides us with different vitamins and minerals.

Each day at snack times the children recorded the variety of fruits and vegetable they had eaten and graphed their results.  On Friday the children collectively ate 26 different one – our weekly record!

They have also taken turns at doing a short presentation on the nutritional value of a chosen fruit or vegetable and brought in some samples for the children to enjoy.

A parent volunteer has also come in to talk to the children and brought in a selection of papaya, pomegranates, raspberries and blackberries for the children to taste. The children enjoyed trying these and went on to create posters to highlight and share with others what they had learned.

It is wonderful to report that many of our children already bring in lots of healthy fruit and vegetable choices every day as part of their snacks and lunches.  We hope that during this week they will have seen the benefits that eating a wider variety of these can bring.

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