Our Early Years classes, Preschool, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten, enjoyed their sports’ Day today. It was lots of fun! It all started with some popular circle games, that had the children, jumping, hopping, skipping and skating! Following this, each class demonstrated their games skills and teamwork with their own activities. Held at the nearby Graceway Sports Centre, lots of families and friends came to watch and cheer on the children together with the older children from the school. Click below to see a movie clip of the children in action.
These movies may take a while to load. You may need to download a Windows Media Player plugin if you are using Mozilla Firefox.
Preschool – ‘All Around the Kitchen’ circle game:
[WINDOWSMEDIA http://www.provoprimaryblog.com/movies/ps-sports-day-2009.wmv 425 350]
Junior Kindergarten ‘Froggy Number 5’ game:
[WINDOWSMEDIA http://www.provoprimaryblog.com/movies/jk-sports-day-2009.wmv 425 350]
Kindergarten relays:
[WINDOWSMEDIA http://www.provoprimaryblog.com/movies/k-sports-day-2009.wmv 425 350]