Early Years’ Science Fair – March 2013

Friday morning saw the launch of our first Science Fair.  Throughout our Early Years’ classes, a multitude of hands-on  learning activities were being explored.  It was lovely to see parents, visitors and children together observing,  problem solving, predicting, thinking, making decisions and most importantly talking about what they were doing.   A big thank you to all our teachers for their hard work and to all the parents and visitors who came to enjoy and share the science learning with the children.  If sadly you weren’t able to make it, we hope you gain a feel for our Science Fair through the short movie above.

Young children learn to use their senses to explore creatures, people, plants and objects in their natural environments. They observe and manipulate objects and materials to identify differences and similarities. Developing early science enquiry skills, children are encouraged to ask questions about why things happen and how things work. They are also asked questions about what they think will happen to help them communicate, plan, investigate, record and evaluate findings.

Scientific exploration in the Early Years is an integral part of our hands-on, play based learning environment.  In all our classes we offer children opportunities to develop their skills and confidence as they learn and independently explore the world around them.



  1. Mrs. Claire says:

    Wow, so much learning taking taking place and so much fun being had at the same time…brilliant!

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