Don’t panic! Year 4 Doctors are on the scene!

yr-4-hospital-trip-feb-2014 (1)Tuesday was an exciting morning in Flamingo Class as we all set out to visit the Cheshire Hall Medical Center to find out about how bones can be fixed by the orthopedic doctors and nurses at the hospital!

It was another morning packed full of information and learning related to our topic on Moving and Growing.

Our expert guides, Nurses Sharon and Gemma, passed on their knowledge of the skeletal and muscular systems. They explained how these worked together together to help us move and demonstrated how, if damaged, both can be fixed by doctors.




Children were challenged to play the part of a doctor as we treated our poor patient “John“. Poor John had suffered some rather unfortunate (and gruesome!) injuries. But, thanks to the amazing talents of our young physicians, we were able to patch him up and set him on the road to a full recovery!

After all that hard work we were pleased to revive ourselves in the Hospital cafe! A well deserved pit-stop for our bone-fide medical experts!


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