Our Year 1 Dolphins have been ‘dolphin dancing’ their way through the beginning of term learning all about their class animal through story, dance and crafty activities.
Our buzz word has been all things ‘Brains’ where we have been learning about mindfulness in our brains and bodies. Ask any of our Year 1s about the benefits of using our Pre Frontal Cortex and R.A.S. system and they will be sure to keep you informed.
We began our topic of Traditional Tales exploring the story of The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. Year 1 have demonstrated an excellent knowledge of sequencing and made some fantastic retelling ropes to help them remember the important parts of the tale.
Just as all Dolphins have super internal navigation systems, our Year 1s have been navigating the waters learning all about the Earth’s Continents and Oceans. They have been discovering what country and continents many of the traditional tales originate from. Working in groups, they felt proud to have completed our world jigsaw puzzles.
It has been a super start on learning in the Dolphin classroom. We are looking forward to sharing more of our learning with you very soon!