Discoveries of the Ancient Egyptians continued… in Year 3

Thank you to all the parents who came into class and joined in the Ancient Egyptian celebrations. The children’s home projects were amazing. We had stories; games; dress up; singing and dancing; numerous presentations; talking mummies; a hieroglyphic quiz; pyramids that sparkled and lit up and had incredibly delicate models inside; read and nut tasting, models of ancient Egyptian buildings, with additional models and facts about the River Nile; mummified dolls and people models that we could dress up.  What a lot creative ideas!

We even got a chance to share our D.T. project of the ‘resurrected mummies’ where we used our pneumatic knowledge to make the mummy wake up…ekkk scary!

We also found out during our science experiment, that our mummified apples DID last longer than our un-mummified apples; unfortunately not so yummy and crunchy that we could still eat them though!

Thank you also, to all the children who came to visit us on our special day, you were a great participating audience and brought out the best of Y3’s presentation skills. We even had Ms. Alison and Miss Sian join in the fun!

A fun-packed adventurous Ancient Egyptian journey of learning made this term. We are proud of your achievements – well done, Year 3.


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