Dance Craze at Provo Primary

The latest dance craze has reached the shores of the Turks and Caicos Islands!  JK, Kindergarten and Year 2 all got together for a shaking good time after a buddy reading session together! Can you spot your child flip-flopping and jerking their way through the dance? What an awesome time we all had!

“There’s a new dance that has become popular through the Internet called the Harlem Shake.

Millions have people have watched the original Harlem Shake video on YouTube and there have been thousands of tribute videos made.

It’s hard to describe the crazy-looking dance, which is done to a happy, goofy sounding song of the same name, written by an American DJ and electronic musician named Baauer.

The videos—the original and the thousands of tribute videos that have been made since—start with one person or several people dancing. Then there’s a jump-cut to a roomful of people in costumes, helmets and masks all awkwardly jerking their bodies and happily flailing their arms.

The Harlem Shake has become a “meme” (pronounced meem). An Internet meme is a video, photo or idea that spreads from person to person and is altered or combined with other videos and photos.”  Teaching Kids News


Note: Provo Primary is not posting links to other Harlem Shake videos because some may not be suitable for some children. Also, some comments and posts that come up when videos are viewed may not always be kid-friendly. Children should enlist the help of a trusted adult if viewing other Harlem Shake videos online.

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