The recycle tallies were recorded and counted on the final day of the month. The first class to win the Green Recycle Certificate – which entitles them to one extra special ‘Golden Time’ – were the Year 3 Dolphins. They collected an astounding 251 tallies – that’s 251 pieces of recycle items that, as the Dolphins say “ will help to make our world a better place!”
To compliment their success Year 3 created a rap to remind us of how important it is to recycle.
After much discussion, Year 3 have decided to put their extra ‘Golden Time’ towards a trip to our local Sandwich Shop where they will be able to create their own ‘healthy and delicious’ wrap (or rap!) or salad to eat for lunch. This relates really well to their ‘Healthy Eating’ topic in Science and their Design and Technology project of designing and making their own ‘healthy treat’. How excitingly scrumptious is that!