Congratulations to our Graduates of 2013

graduates-2013Our End of Year Assembly and Graduation Ceremony is a time when we focus on our children’s accomplishments throughout the year and we truly have an amazing group of children, teachers, not to mention parents, here at Provo Primary.

Although all our graduating students of 2013 have been commended on their outstanding test scores, they are far more than this. Helping children to recognize and value their innate talents and strengths plays a huge part in how we educate our children at Provo Primary.

Please join us in the celebration of our three charismatic, funny and entertaining graduating students. They all love drama, are confident on stage and enjoy helping others in the class. Each of them will be truly missed next year.

Melinda – voted by her class as star of the week, for being a friend to everyone, and for being helpful and caring. Melinda is also very musical and is a great linguist. As a first language Spanish speaker, she has mastered English since attending Provo Primary and is also learning French. She is often found asking Miss Cara how to write something in French and is self-motivated to learn more.

Jamie has been our School councillor this year and has done a wonderful job doing so. Jamie is very self-motivated and highly driven to do well in everything he does. His test scores prove this as do his sporting skills.

Theo is our Peacemaker. He is extremely good with the younger students in the school. He often sits with the year ones and helps children sort out their conflicts in the playground.

Good Luck, Melinda, Jamie and Theo, in your next school and we hope that you will find success and happiness, wherever your lives lead you. Thank you also to Melinda, Jamie and Theo’s parents for your support of the school over the time your children have been attending Provo Primary.


  1. CBB says:

    Aww wow, that’s great! Maybe we could get in touch by email or something? From C B-B 🙂

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