Golden Time came to Provo Primary this week as a way of rewarding all those children who behave well, work hard and keep the rules in school. This is a weekly session of 30 minutes of non-curricular time when children take part in a planned activity or range of activities, which are fun and enjoyable. Golden Time is special and is a real highlight of the week.
Children are also awarded ‘Golden Pebbles’ to collect in a class jar for extra effort or good deeds either as individuals, groups or whole classes.
The children can see the jar being filled by their positive actions. When the class jar is full it is brought into Celebration Assembly at the end of the week and the class is awarded with 20 minutes extra Golden Time that week.
More pictures of typical Golden Time activities follow.
Quiet activities
Lively activities
Special activities
Role play activities
  ……but all to bring a smile to the face.
We look forward to all the children enjoying more Golden Time in the future due to their hard work.