Chess club has been a growing success. With quite a few beginner players, it’s great to see how they are now starting their games with clear opening moves, more carefully thought-out game play and a clearer idea on how to position their pieces to check mate their opponent.
Alongside learning and developing their knowledge and strategies, they have also been working in partners to create their very own chess sets – using only paper, glue and tape!
A big thank you goes out to our volunteer chess coach, Mr Mark Pankhurst, and Miss Mani for their teaching skills and guidance.
Did you know that playing chess encourages children to understand how to break down problems into parts – how to be critical problem solvers? Learning the game also helps develop children’s self-esteem and self-worth, and they learn to be become better sports too. They learn to think before they move – and that’s a lesson in life well worth encouraging. And to cap it all – it’s fun too!