A year ago, Krys Mann (parent – “unofficial” school photographer – school year book creator) and I sat down to collate photos for updating our website. Krys mentioned – “Have you thought of doing a school blog?” The idea sparked immediate interest and the adventure began…
A year later, I look back with great pride at our achievements. Our blog is an amazing record of our year, a glimpse into the life of our school, a wonderful collection of photos and memories of school events and class activities. Enjoyed by the children in the school, shared with families and friends alike, both near and far, and with new friends from all around the world who happen to ‘click’ upon us.
A great deal of work goes on behind the scenes in creating and up keeping our blog and I would like to take this opportunity to say a few thank yous to everyone who has helped over the year.
Firstly, I would like to thank all the children for their superb efforts and contributions. Without them, this blog would be very boring and plain! Also, to the teachers for all their continued support and commitment. Blogging was new to us all and I am incredibly impressed with how we have all embraced this new medium and worked through its challenges to see its success. Well done, everyone!
I would also like to thank Christopher Mann and Shelley Bedford for their invaluable technical support, and to Krys Mann for her dedicated commitment to taking photos – some of which have complimented teacher photos in our blog posts.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has visited our blog and hope that you have enjoyed sharing our experiences with us over the year. Thank you, in particular, to those of you who have taken the time to leave us a comment – these are greatly appreciated and treasured – especially by the children.
So thank you, Krys, a super suggestion that has taken us on an amazing adventure over the year that we can all look back with pride.
I wonder what will next year bring…?