This month, the Junior Kindergarten class have been learning about community helpers. They started by shared what they already knew about people who help us and the words ‘community helpers’ were introduced. The children enjoyed dressing up were given an opportunity to dressed as the person they would like to be when they grow up. Click on ‘read more…’ to see the photos. The medical and construction fields were the most popular so for the last three weeks we have focused on these following the children’s lead.
The children made tools boxes and medical bags with the tools of trades in these areas. They have listened out for the beginning sounds of related words, counted tools of trade and connect them to correct numbers. They have cut out and labeled different tools and body parts and made construction hats and doctors’ headbands. They have coloured pictures of people who help us and have enjoyed reading many stories or played related games.
Doctor Helen came to visit us. She showed the children the tools a doctor use and explained how each one helps them (Dr Helen was very impressed with the knowledge the children already had). The Ambulance came to visit as children were learning and role playing what to do if there was an emergency. They made telephones and coloured in the number 911 and learnt about how they could respond to the operator on the phone.
This was an exciting unit and the children have learnt a great deal of important information that will be useful to them for the rest of their life. Not a dull moment here in JK this month, for both students and teachers. LOVE IT!