For the third year running, Britain’s traditional “Bonfire Night” was celebrated by students of Provo Primary School, complete with the burning of a student-made Guy Fawkes, the scapegoat of the infamous “Gunpowder Plot”. Since Mr. Toby “reignited” this English tradition two years ago with a humble gathering in the school parking lot, the celebration has relocated to Bay Bistro (thank you Clive and Joan!) to accommodate the entire school community. Nearly 100 parents and children descended onto the beach promptly at 6pm so as not to miss the 6:30pm lighting of the fire and were mesmerized as the massive bonfire was lit and Guy went up in flames. The party also included traditional treats such as sausages on a stick and toffee covered apples, a call and response of “Remember, Remember, the 5th of November…” and a surprise fireworks display to end the evening.
An educational and entertaining gathering for all who attended and a perfect example of how as educators, we strive to incorporate topic work in a myriad of creative ways.