The second day of Book Week saw the children of Provo Primary taking part in the annual Bike/Walk-a-thon! Great fun was had by all and the children really tried their best to complete as many laps as they could in 30 minutes.
View Grade 1 – 6 Slideshow     View Kindergarten Slideshow
                          View Pre-School Slideshow
The money raised will purchase much needed books for the school. So a big “THANK YOU” to everyone who has supported or will be supporting the school in this fantastic fundraising event!
We have lots of activities planned as part of Book Week, so keep checking the Blog to see what we have been getting up to!
“TV. If children are entertained by two letters, imagine the fun they’ll have with twenty-six. Open your child’s imagination. Open a book.”
Dear Grade 1,2,3,4-5 and 6 in the Bike/Walk-a-Thon. I am so happy because everyone took place.
For CS and CS
P.S. Go to http://www.teachingtables.co.uk to practise your times tables