BIG Writing means Business!

yr5-6-big-writing-feb-2013-‘Big Writing’ is something Provo Primary have been focusing on for quite a while in Year 5 and 6. Children will tell you ‘VCOP’ (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation) is a HUGE part of good writing! We have also been fortunate to have our amazing PTA help us move even further towards higher quality writing sessions by raising money to buy the fantastic interactive whiteboard software which supports this.






yr5-6-big-writing-feb-2013The children absolutely love working individually, in pairs and in teams through the huge range of interactive whiteboard activities. They focus on a range of key skills but in a really fun and stimulating way! We also do regular ‘Big Writing’ sessions where the children write independently within a specific time, using our ‘Class Timer ’(which has a lava lamp and classical music to stimulate imagination and to get creative juices flowing).



All of the children have said how much this has helped them with their timing and organisation skills in writing as well as their focus. ‘Big Writing’ really does mean business!


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