Over this term in Year 5, we have been studying Aztecs and the importance of cacao and chocolate in general to them. This has led on to us designing some different chocolate bars based on the Aztec chocolate drink but we ended up branching into bars of interesting and unusual combinations too. We decided upon four scrumptious bars; two Aztec and two modern day ones.
The children were split into groups and each group made a different chocolate bar whether it was-milk, dark, or a combination of milk, dark and white. Ingredients such as cinnamon, honey, spices, dried fruits, nuts, marshmallows and caramel were then added.
The children were amazing at organizing their equipment and the jobs to be done to prepare for the mixing of the chocolate. It was quite tricky to fill the chocolate moulds and we had a lot of fun getting chocolate all over our faces!
We taste-tested the melted mix and were excited by the combination of flavours we had put together. Each was delicious in its own unique way.
We now look forward to tasting the final, solid product. From this we are going to design a chocolate bar wrapper to match our favourite bar.