And it all began with bread tasting…

yr-3-sandwiches-may-2013 (14)The Year Three Dolphins have been enjoying a Design and Technology project about designing sandwich snacks.

After lots of tasting, researching, designing and re-designing they came up with some of their own fabulous nutritionally balanced sandwich designs; plus their own set of written instructions to follow while making their creations.

They created lots of different varieties:

‘Flutter Fly Summer Time’, Blooming Blossom, Ginger Bread Man, Mr Sheep’s Head, Tuna Delight, Boat Couch, Clown, Mickey Mouse, Pack Man, Angry Bird Sandwich, Happy Star Tree and the Butter Fly Sandwich’. See if you can identify them from the photos below.


The project all began with a bread tasting session.  The children discovered that not all breads looked and tasted the same… the least popular bread was the healthy brown seeded rye! Yet the most popular bread turned out to be the Sweet Hawaiian Bread… Yum!

The children also recorded what they had eaten for a week, using all the knowledge they had acquired about food groups in Science.  They then manipulating and handled the data they had collected in their Maths lessons, and in ICT they used this data to present their findings in clear graphs and pie charts.

PS A HUGE thank you to Mrs Betty and Mrs Debbie in assisting the children to create their delicious designs.

More about the learning involved in the DT Sandwich Project…

During this project the children learn basic food preparation techniques and ways of combining components to create simple food products for a particular purpose. They develop their designing skills by using their own experiences and evaluating existing products to develop ideas. Through discussion, they develop criteria for their design proposals and suggest ways to proceed. They develop their making skills by learning to combine components according to taste, appearance or texture to create a product that contributes to a healthy diet. Through this activity the children develop an awareness of health and safety and learn that the quality of the product depends on how well it is made and presented.

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