Tickets are now available for the PPPA’s upcoming fundraising event, “A Night in Bollywood”.
They are sure to sell fast, so go ahead and get yours now!
A spicy evening is guaranteed with plenty of colourful entertainment.
Dress to dazzle, you won’t be alone! So don’t be shy, grab a sari.
Proceeds go to complete payment on our fabulous new play structure.
Music ∙ Drinks ∙ Curry ∙ Silent Auction ∙ Best Dressed Award ∙ Dancing
plus a few special surprises you won’t want to miss!
A Night in Bollywood
Saturday, April 28th
Distillery House
Pop by the school, call 333 5638 or email to order your tickets.
You can also get your tickets on IsleHelp. Please look in the ‘Upcoming Events’ section on the app – not the ‘Provo Primary’ section.