Our Preschool Class has had a wonderful first few weeks at school. The children adore their new class room which is filled with lots of fun and educational activities. They love to dress up, play with cars, paint, glue, sing and do puzzles! Soft play is just the best for bouncing around and letting loose! Our new swing set is great fun and lots of water play has helped us to cool down in this HOT September weather. Nursery Rhymes is our first topic this term and as we learn them we are developing our vocabulary skills. Our class aim is to bake or cook once a week……Mmmm, we have already made sugar cookies and muffins. Last week the class also went on a mini school trip around every classroom delivering them. Read on to see lots and lots of photos of us in busy at school.
A Brilliant Start to the School Year!
7 October, 2011 Leave a Comment