A Brand New Year

Welcome back to a new term and a new year, 2007. I hope that you all had a good break over the holiday period and it’s good to see the children back and ready for some exciting learning.

I would like to welcome all the new members of the school, staff, parents and children alike. I’m sure that you will enjoy your time here at Provo Primary.

To see this term’s newsletter and find out about some of the work that your children will be doing this term, click on the appropriate “newsletter”

toddlers.pdf pre-school.pdf junior-k.pdf kindergarten.pdf

grade-1.pdf grade-2.pdf grade-3.pdf grade-4-5.pdf grade-6.pdf


At the beginning of each term it is good to remind ourselves of the practices and procedures that we have adopted to keep children safe and healthy and that we expect all children to abide by.
– All children need to wear the school uniform which includes a hat and sensible shoes.
– Flip flops are not allowed to be worn in school.
– Children need to have their PE kit on days when they have PE and their uniform to change back into after activities.
– Children should not wear jewellery at any time in school. The only exception to this is small studs in their ears.
– Can you please ensure that your child’s snack is a ‘Healthy snack’?
– School starts at 08.30 and children can be dropped off from 08.15 onwards. Before this time there is no-one to supervise children and they should not be in school.
– School finishes at 3.00pm. Please be prompt in collecting your children as it can cause distress and supervision problems.
– Children need to bring water each day to ensure that they keep hydrated.

Thank You
Last term the money collected from Dress Down days was donated to Nissi House orphanage. The money was given in the form of a voucher for Unicorn Books and the children had the fun experience of shopping for something they would like for Christmas. They had great fun and were really appreciative of their ‘presents’ from the children of Provo Primary. Thank you!

This is a relatively short term but we are looking forward to working together with you to ensure that your children really get the most from it.


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