10th Anniversary Location Celebrations

Provo Primary’s Logo is a Pink Flamingo. In ancient Egypt, flamingos were symbols of the sun. Flamingos also symbolize beauty, balance and grace. We believe that Provo Primary Flamingos are sunny, beautiful, graceful and balanced, who with their beautiful plumage, attract attention wherever they go.
Our little student flamingos certainly attracted attention and made us very proud yesterday as they captivated the audience with their performances depicting Provo Primary’s evolution and Pink Flamingo; their rendition of “I Believe I Can Fly’’; celebrations of our surrounding sporting facilities; and in thanking our community members for their assistance with sports.
Thank you to Miss Sian and all the teachers who helped put this Celebration Assembly together. I’d also like to thank Ms. Stef for her organizational skills, Mr. Sajouste for providing extra shade and cleaning up. For those of you who tasted them, I think you’ll agree, the (home/school made banana bread muffins), made by Ms. Myrna and Miss Betty, together with Tegan and some of our JK students, were delicious too! Finally, thank you to all our community members who have believed in us and helped make Provo Primary the amazing school that it is today at our Flamingo Park location.

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