Continuing our look at ‘How Things Grow’, the Toddlers have been learning about the amazing transformations which some animals and insects undergo. They have seen how a caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly and how tadpoles grow legs and turn into frogs. We have looked at the lifecycles of frogs and made our own sparkling ponds by painting paper plates. There are lots of great photos of us to see…
We also looked at how we ourselves change as we grow. The children brought in photographs of themselves as babies and had fun trying to identify who was who.
We measured the height of each child and marked it on our growth chart – the children loved this as you can see.
We began our look at this year’s final topic ‘Under the Sea’ by reading the story ‘Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister. The story tells of how a very beautiful, but rather selfish fish, learns to share and to make friends.
The children got crafty and had a go at making their own colourful fish. We used felt-tip pens to colour coffee filters and then wet them to create our own amazing rainbow fish.