A day to celebrate authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) to celebrate reading across the school.
A unique Primary School, offering a British based, child centred education in the Turks and Caicos Islands
A day to celebrate authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) to celebrate reading across the school.
Rome wasn’t built in a day (as the saying goes) but here at Provo Primary, students in Year 4 have proved differently! They were given the task at the start of an exciting new topic to ‘build Rome’ in their classroom and they were given 24 hours to do it…
First, they had to research the type of buildings and structures still in existence in Rome and then they had to decide who to work with. As you can see from the photos, the children transformed a bare wall into a 3D city complete with written explanations. It was wonderful to see so much team work and so many skills being used across a range of subjects – Research (non-fiction texts using index pages and glossary), the Internet and personal experiences of Rome, Maths (shape, measurement, weight, estimation), DT (design, imagination, creation, joining techniques, evaluation), PSHE (collaboration, compromise, negotiation , respect for others).
This was a great project to kick-start our new topic and parents and friends are warmly invited to come and see this learning at our Open House on Friday afternoon.
As part of our topic, ‘New year, new life’, the SK children have been learning about the seasons. They have been talking about how the trees and bushes that lose their leaves over the winter, especially in colder climates, begin to grow new leaves again and start to flower in spring. They have learnt that the temperature of the air and soil starts to warm up as the days get longer with the coming of spring. That’s why spring called the season of flowers.
The process of flowers opening up is part of a flowering plant’s life cycle. Blooming occurs when the petals in a bud start to grow to the point that they fill with enough water that the only place to go is out.
We found a ‘blooming marvellous’ science activity that showed us a simple explanation of how this happens.
“As we commence a week of activities celebrating Education Week 2020, I am indeed grateful to Almighty God for all he has done for us in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Every praise is to our God!
This week, is a time that highlights education as the path that leads to a future full of hope, promise and prosperity. The role of education is to nurture, grow and realize every child’s potential, hence this year’s theme ‘Building a Resilient and Inclusive Education System’.
A high quality education system is the heart and vision of our Government. With education being at the core of Turks and Caicos Islands’ mission for social change and development. We must continue to raise our efforts in celebrating our teachers, as teachers are the vanguards of sustained transformation. My Ministry has made lifelong learning a priority. We are dedicated to providing all our children with good choices for life. We are resolute about our nation’s economic strength, our children’s future.
What fabulously creative hair fashions we experienced today. Everyone looked great and made our Friday even more livelier and smilier than usual.
This term, the School Council are collecting donations for the Cash4Koales Fund and we thank all of you who have been making your dollar donations each time. It is very much appreciated and reminds us all of how we can think of other causes, people, other living things or places that we can help in some way.
I love the way that one student shared with me today…”I earned my dollar by giving out lots of love and hugs.” What a super way to help others.
As a school, we have been learning about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) over the last half term. These 17 goals, part of The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, are,
“an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.”
(Source: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs)
That sounds like something everyone should get involved in, doesn’t it? Well, our students certainly think so. [Read more…]
Our Year 7 students have been doing some exciting experimenting with elements in their Science lessons. In addition to testing how metals react when heated, the students have acquired some important new Middle School Science skills.
In order to carry out their experiments with safety and accuracy, the students first needed to learn how to use a Bunsen burner and demonstrate their ability to use one safely. After receiving their Bunsen burner licences, the students then worked on how to identify different elemental metals according to their properties. Although many metals look the same, their properties are very different. It was, therefore, essential that the students were able to identify the correct element they needed for their experiments. Finally the students needed to ensure they observed the reactions accurately, and recorded their observations correctly.
National Education Week here in the Turks and Caicos will be observed between 1st – 6th March 2020 under the theme, “Building a Resilient and Inclusive Education System”.
Click on to see how we will be celebrating Education Week at Provo Primary and Middle School.
This year’s theme song for Education Week, is written and performed by the Clement Howell High School Choir.
Safer Internet Day activities took place all across the school last week, encouraging our students to explore how they manage their online identity and safety, and how the internet shapes how they think of themselves and others.
Year 3 had fun creating paper and online avatars and made posters about being SMART online.
In our SK-Year 2 assembly last week, we learnt all about GERMS! We learnt how they are so small that you can’t see them especially when you sneeze or cough.
Miss Helen unfortunately wasn’t feeling well and sneezed into her hand – before you knew the germs (green paint!) had spread all around the class; onto water bottles, the whiteboard and even the children! All because Miss Helen didn’t wash her hands! As you can see from our green hands, the germs spread quickly.
We discussed washing our hands before eating, after using the bathroom, when we’ve played outside etc, making sure to use soap and washing all over including in between our fingers. Keep washing those hands!
Here’s a video all about germs you might like to watch at home to reinforce your child’s learning!
In Year 2 we have been busy learning all about grammar.
We have been identifying different parts of a sentence and discovering whether words are
Congratulations to our novice National Spelling Bee team. They gave it their best and made it to the 3rd round. a great example of a ‘can do’ attitude. Thanks Mrs Laranda for preparing and accompanying them, and parents for their support. With experience under their belt, next year here they come!
From Under 5s to Middle Schoolers, Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 11th) is a fantastic opportunity to have a conversation with your child about using the internet safely, responsibly and positively – we can all play a role in empowering children and young people to enjoy their time safely online!
We now see young children going online to play games, talk to family, watch videos, research topics of interest, and even learn to use voice enabled tech like Alexa and Siri to find out about their world. Older children engage in social audiences, get news about current events and do research, purchase books, clothing, or music; or get information about health and well-being.
Many young people acknowledge the unique challenges – and benefits – of growing up in our digital age. Internet use, and the age that you should begin speaking to your child, will differ between families but essentially as children start engaging with technology and the internet these conversations can and should begin.
Click on to see some top tips for parents and carers for under fives right up to teenagers from saferinternet.org and childnet.com.
Every year children all over the world in over 140 countries participate in the event known as Safer Internet Day. It’s a day we celebrate each year at Provo Primary and Middle School.
This year’s theme is ‘Together for a better Internet’, with a focus on online identities. It encourages children to think about what online identity means, how they manage theirs, and how the internet shapes their view of others as well as themselves.
Through assemblies and class activities this week, we will reinforce our on-going e-safety Computing curriculum – supporting children to use the Internet responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively and talking about what they should and should not share online. [Read more…]
Today, the flamingo class had a visitor, Dr Craig Zavitz, a retired chiropractor. He and his knowledgeable assistant, Robin, taught the class how the spine is formed from a single cell and how it grows. They played a game with the children to help them understand how the brain sends messages through the body, through the spine and to all our organs. Then Dr Craig had a role play experience to show children how a chiropractor could make small adjustments to the spine in order to improve ailments. We had a question and answer time with Robin who also brought some follow-up activities. The children were quizzed on skeleton facts they knew already and they could answer all but one question correctly, much to Dr Craig’s amazement! We all learned about how to keep our back healthy through diet, exercise and weight bearing correctly. Thank you Dr Craig and Robin for giving us this experience.
What an exciting start to the New Year in the Dolphin classroom. Year 1’s have been learning, exploring and investigating minibeasts and more in this terms topic. So far, our entomology lab In our role play corner has been bustling with all our classroom scientists observing different insects – many home to the island of Providenciales and some from afar. It’s been bug hunts and bug hotel building and our Year 1s have been enjoying digging deep into their learning.
Take a look at some of our Year 1’s enjoying their first tennis lesson this week. They practiced skill games strengthening their hand eye co-ordination and ball control in preparation for some fun tennis games in the coming weeks.
We are all looking forward to exploring this topic further this term. Now that our minds and bodies are rested and refreshed after the Christmas holidays – let’s get back to learning!
In Year 3 we have been picking a special ‘mood of the day’ card to remind us of how we can use our positive traits throughout the day. We pick a card and think of an action or a body pose that is connected to the ‘mood’ presented on the card. We have had so much fun moving our bodies into different shapes independently, in pairs then as a class. Can you guess which picture is related to which ‘mood card’?
Happy New Mood to you all!
The Year 4s have made a great start to the new year with a positive attitude to all their learning and new topic, ‘Moving and Growing’. They have studied paintings of people in various poses by famous artists. The work shows very different styles using a wide range of medium and Y4 have made a good attempt at recreating their favourite style. Here are just a few samples of their lovely work. . .
A wonderful video memory of Santa in the Streets 2020!
A super HUGE thank you to all of you who donated gifts towards the ‘Santa In the Streets’ event last term. Your response was fantastic and your gifts were truly appreciated.
It was so heart-warming to see and to hear the delight from the children at the Ashleys Learning Centre when your gifts were presented to them individually by Santa on that final Thursday before the Christmas break. The School Council were present, giving out your soft toy donations to the children, as well as serving pizza and drinks to them all. They even got to bounce in a bouncy castle with some of the students. [Read more…]
Our Middle school fundraising items will be for sale in school at collection all week. All proceeds will contribute to the Y7 & Y8 field trips in the summer.
Provo Primary’s talented Kindergarten, Year 1 and 2 astounded their audience with their amazing holiday productions, Elf Olympics.
Congratulations to all the children for a wonderful performance!
Here’s a short movie of photos and video highlights (photos by Chrystel Kendrew).
Beautiful student art bags, mugs, calendars and greeting cards all ready for the Fish Fry tonight! Raising money for our field trips in Y7 & 8 this summer.
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