Children are continually assessed on an everyday informal basis and through assessments. This enables us to plan for each child to ensure they achieve their potential. We also use a number of literacy and numeracy assessments and standardized tests that are recorded on each child’s individual progress record.
In the Early Years, we follow the guidelines of The Foundation Stage .
From Year 2 onwards, children are tested yearly, in the core subjects of English, Math (and Science in years 6). For Year 2 and 6, we use the British National Curriculum Standardized Assessment Tests (SATs), which are ordered from The Department for Education in the UK. Other UK standardized assessments are used for Year 3 -5. All of these assessments reflect the core curriculum taught at our school. They allow us to compare the achievements of our students with others of the same age and enable us to formulate targets for future development. Testing also allows parents the opportunity to compare their child’s test score with those of the same age group in the UK.
At the end of their time at Provo Primary School children move on to new schools in the community. There is usually an entrance test for these schools.
We believe that our creative, hands on approach to learning, not only makes learning more meaningful, but also helps develop higher academic attainment. Further contributing to our proven level of achievement is our individualized approach to learning, this encourages children who excel in particular areas and allows each child to work to their strengths. See here to learn more about the results our creative curriculum promotes:
Outstanding Provo Primary Students’ Achievement
Reports and Parent/Teacher Consultation Meetings
Parent-teacher Consultation Meetings are held each term. Parents are invited to come to the school and confer with their child’s teacher at a scheduled time. A parent or teacher may also request a conference at any time during the school year.
In year K – 6, written reports are produced and sent home in January or February and June.
In the Early Years, a written report is produced and sent home in June.
Please see here for further details:
Parent/Teacher Consultation Meetings and Reports
Daily reading is an important element of homework and all children take home reading scheme and/or library books home on a regular basis.
Formal homework is assigned to children in Years 1 – 6. We believe that homework helps students to become more self-reliant, learn to work independently and to reinforce classroom learning. Homework also gives parents a way to acquaint themselves with the school curriculum and their child’s progress. We invite you to become partners with us by monitoring this work at home and talking with your child about his or her homework assignments and activities.