“Drama and Theatre Arts allows children to learn to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others confidently and effectively.”
(The British National Curriculum)
Theatre Arts encourages children to use their creativity and imagination, allowing them to express ideas and feelings through drama, music and dance.
All our children are given the opportunity to play an integral part of our end of term shows, plays and concerts. Prior to the stage performance, children are involved in designing and building sets, making props and costumes, learning lines, songs, dance routines and actions, and working as a team.
Performing to an audience encourages them to learn to speak clearly, thinking about the interest of the listener. It builds self-confidence, a sense of community and a wonderful feeling of achievement.
Cinderella Rockerfella (2010)
Busy, Busy Bethlehem (2010)
Previous Productions:
A trip down memory lane…photos from previous productions: Humph the Camel (2006), Pura Vida – A Trip to the Costrican Rainforest (2006), Flannigan Fletcher’s Flying Circus (2006), A Step in Time – Music and Dance through the Last Century (2005)