Miss Rebecca’s Kindergarten class are enjoying their newly created ‘zoo’ role play area in their classroom. The children chose the idea of a zoo themselves to fit in with their current animal topic. They brainstormed ideas for what they might include and they created the maps, tickets, labels and craft animals that appear in the zoo. They are having great fun getting into role as different characters such as ‘receptionist’ or ‘zoo keeper’, developing their speaking and listening skills through play. Click below to see more photos…
The children made a zoo sign telling everyone when the zoo would be open. It’s important not to arrive too early or too late. Check the opening times below.
At the reception the telephone is always ringing and there are always lots of visitors. The receptionists need to take bookings and tell people information about the zoo, like when it is open, what price the tickets are and what animals they will see at the zoo.
Everyone needs to buy a ticket to enter the zoo. Adults pay 2 dollars and children pay 1 dollar. The tickets are colour-coded, blue for adults and yellow for children.
On entry everyone is given a map to help them find their way around the zoo.
The zookeeper’s job is to look after the animals. They need food, water, a home, medicine and lots of love.
The zookeepers also tell the visitors all about the animals.
The Kindergarten Zoo is certainly a busy place with lots of animals to look after and many visitors to welcome and show around. Come and visit our zoo if you can.