In Kindergarten we have been learning British Sign Language and this week we learned some animal signs. Which animal name do you think we are signing in this picture?
Read the rest of this entry to find out…and to guess some more animal signs!
You guessed it…we are all signing COW. Can you see how our hands have become the cow’s horns?
Here are some more animal signs. See if you can have a go at making the signs yourself…
To sign CAT, make your hands become the cat’s whiskers.
When you sign DOLPHIN, your thumb becomes the dolphin’s fin.
Make your hand look like a beak to sign DUCK.
To sign COW, your hands have to become the cow’s horns.
Become a KANGAROO by holding your hands in front of you, and bobbing from side to side as if you are a kangaroo jumping.
Move your fist in a small circle in front of your nose to sign PIG
Hold up 2 fingers on each hand and put them above your ears to sign RABBIT.
And of course, we all know how to be a MONKEY!
I really enjoyed learning these animal signs. How would I sign dog?
Please can you let me know.
Floppy the Dog
It is so great to see the teachers at PP teaching “outside the box”. I learned sign language 25 years ago and I can still remember most of what I learned. I enjoy seeing the students experiencing the joy of learning, that’s what it’s all about. Miss Claire, keep up the good work!
Sign language looks a lot of fun!! It is wonderful that the kids are being taught to communicate in a variety of ways, expanding their contact with the world and the people within it.
A big thumbs up!