A Matter of Fact!


The Kindergarteners are currently exploring the topics of ‘Under the Sea’ and ‘Growth’.

Last week we looked at information books to find out some facts about crabs. We found out that crabs have hard shells and strong claws, they like to hide under rocks and they grow a new shell if their shell falls off. We each tried to remember some of the facts about crabs and wrote them down.

Please come into our classroom to see our display and read some of the facts we have written!

Read on to see some more of our work about ‘Under the Sea’ and ‘Growth’.

In our colour groups, we worked as a team to create an ‘Under the Sea’ display. We decorated some under the sea creatures and created seaweed by linking strips of green card together. We then counted how many fish, or how many crabs, or how many sharks we could see and we labelled our displays. Our work is on display in our classroom.

Red Group


Yellow Group


Green Group



Last week we also planted some cherry tomatoes and cucumber seeds. We have been taking good care of our seeds by watering them every day and making sure they get enough sunlight. We are making observations of our tomato and cucumber plants and drawing and writing about the changes that we can see. Here are some pictures of what our tomato and cucumber plants look like now!

Tomato Plants



Cucumber plants




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