This theme was evident in all the Early Years classes last week as they prepared class festivities to celebrate the loving moms we have in our lives.
The Toddler class was everything purple from the decorations to the flowers, outfits and handmade cards. Moms were treated to songs by the children and yummy snacks. The Preschool focussed on the Dr. Seuss book, Are You My Mother? They did activities all week related to the book and shared some of them with their moms, such as, making a bird puppet, play dough nests and retelling the story with props.
Junior Kindergarten enjoyed a mother’s day breakfast where the children adored the opportunity to treat their moms and play host and hostess to their VIP guests. Kindergarten prepared patterned necklaces, recorded messages for their moms, had a fashion show and performed a dance to ‘You’ll be in my Heart”. Their theme was a tea party with special hat attire!
We hope all our guests felt loved and special and hope that everyone enjoyed a very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY on Sunday!