This term, one of our topics is Jungle Animals. We created a jungle of our own in our classroom.
We enjoyed listening to stories and rhymes about jungle animals. We especially liked ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ by Giles Andreae & David Wojtowycz, and ‘The Animal Boogie’ by Debbie Harter.
We made curly card lions. We carefully cut out the lion and curled its mane around a pencil.
Can you see any hiding in our jungle?
We made moving monkeys, using split pins for joints. Come and see them hanging in our jungle!
We made colourful parrots using real feathers.
We painted paper plates and cut them in a spiral to make hanging snakes.
We tried a very tricky jungle puzzle!
We looked at different pictures from Africa, and talked about the different animals.
Which is your favourite?
We were very lucky to have Karina Whitehead come in and talk to us about her experiences living in Africa as a little girl. We really enjoyed this topic and had lots of fun! Charlotte Darcy bought in lots of photos from her trip to Africa. She shared them with Grade 2 and they passed them on to us when they heard that we were learning about jungle animals.