Here are two students who are members of our local library here on Provo and regularly go to the ‘Readers Club’ on Saturday mornings. I met up with them there to find out more.

Located behind ‘Lamonts’, downtown, our local library opens six days a week and especially welcomes younger readers through its door. Joan Forbes, the librarian, explained that for a $5 refundable deposit (Free to Turks and Caicos Islanders) children could become members of the the library and borrow up to three books, each for up to a two week period. The ‘Readers Club’ is every Saturday morning from 10-11am and offers activities to children from 4 – 11 years old.

There is also a reference section and a computer suite with about eight computers that can be used for Internet research.

This is what one of our students had to say about the library.
“For all you parents out there who want your children to read more, why not visit the local library! It will help your child with their reading performance. It is open six days a week and your child can borrow wonderful books. They can attend the little Readers Club on Saturdays for all ages and they can also work on their homework. This library also contains an educational computer lab. Think about that!
There are lots of lovely volunteers that can help you with anything. They await you in this friendly library. Many other kids attend this library so you will make friends quickly. I assure you that your child will love it there, so visit the library today!”