FortisTCI National Science and Technology Fair 1st Place Winners, 2017

A proud moment for Provo Primary when our Science Team were announced 1st place winners in the FortisTCI Annual National Science and Technology Fair Science Project competition.

Congratulations to all our amazing students involved and to our incredible team leader, Mr. Jason (our Year 6 teacher and Science Fair / Quiz Coordinator this year).  We were particularly proud of the students knowledge of the experiment, their use of scientific language and advanced level of understanding during their presentation before the judges. Well done everyone for all your hard work and effort and thank you to all who have supported them along the way.

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How Good is Your Working Memory?

Year 6 have realised that their everyday school life requires them to remember many things!  Time tables, spellings, punctuation rules, homework, vocabulary, scientific facts…the list goes on and on.  It comes as no surprise that our brain oversees these things; and that working memory differs from one person to the next.  Indeed, the ways in which individuals can process, retain and recall information is dependent on many factors.

With this in mind, Year 6 set out to investigate how strong their own working memory is.  Each student created a memory board based upon a theme of their choice. The range included: foods, drinks, sports, football teams, football payers, landmarks, art styles and more!  The memory boards included an array of images and words.  With the ground work complete, Year 6 students were ready to experiment.

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Endangered and Extinct Research Projects

yr-6-endangered-and-extinct-research-projects-dec-2016-1Our biology strand of science concluded this term with Year 6 students presenting a research project based upon the areas of extinction and endangerment within our animal kingdom.

Year 6 were posed with the challenge of selecting four extinct animals and four animals who are on the endangered animals list.  After making their selections they had to carry out research using both traditional and digital resources to find out information about their selections.

The extinct section of the project examined theories presented by scientists to determine why extinction occurred for certain species; descriptions of how extinct animals looked when they roamed the earth; and environments and adaptations relevant to their survival when they lived.

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A Panto Like No Other – Tickets on Sale!

panto-like-no-other-ticket-image-webYears 1-6 present…

A Panto Like No Other!

Friday 9th and Saturday 10th December

6pm @ Provo Primary School.

Tickets $10 (Children 12 and under free)            

Refreshments on sale.

Come join us for our special 25th anniversary production!

Buy your tickets directly on the IsleHelp  or in the school office.

Email or call 441 5638 for details.

Year 6 Halloween Games

yr-6-halloween-games-nov-2016-1Year 6 recently played a significant role in Provo Primary School’s annual Halloween Party.   They were set the challenge of designing, creating and implementing the games that could be used.  The design brief enabled the students to focus on games that would be fun to play, could be differentiated easily across different age groups and maintained a spooky theme to fulfill the atmosphere of a Halloween party.

The students in Year 6 were grouped into 5 teams and posed with the above challenge.  Getting straight down to work they blasted ideas before settling on a firm notion that could be developed fully to meet the needs of the design brief.  The planning stage also considered how prizes would be allocated to winners, how many people would be needed to operate the games, resources and materials needed to build and so on.

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Year 6 present cheques to two local charities

yr-6-food-4-thought-donation-oct-2016Year 6 proudly presented cheques today to Food for Thought; and to The Hope Foundation for Autism TCI.  After participating in Jill Beckingham’s Foot Steps 4 Good initiative; the Year 6 class decided to donate their raised loose change to the organizations named above, in order to support them in the good work they offer to the residents in need of them in the TCI.  Provo Primary students are delighted that the raised an amount of $630 which was split evenly between our selected organizations to assist them in the invaluable work that they carry out.  We wish to thank our entire school community for their generous donations.  [Read more…]

Provo Primary Halloween Party Tickets on Sale

halloween-flyerpp-2016Remember to get your Provo Primary Halloween Party Tickets!









Studying Classification and Variation in Year 6

yr-6-classification-oct-2016-14Year 6 have been learning all about the animal kingdom this term in science.  This strand of biology has focused on the importance of classification and variation.  Year 6, wearing their scientist hats, have discovered that classification is all about sorting; and variation is concerned with differences between species.

With this in mind, Year 6 quickly realised that the animal kingdom is divided into two main groups: vertebrates and invertebrates.  Vertebrates are animals who possess a backbone and invertebrates do not.  Moreover, it was quickly ascertained that further classification would be needed in order to group organisms together more readily based upon similarities and differences.  More research revealed that scientists also classify vertebrates and invertebrates into subgroups depending on certain characteristics.

Please look at the photographs below and judge for yourselves how well we have coped with getting to grips with lots of new scientific vocabulary and the classification of our animal kingdom.

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Provo Primary Halloween Party – 31st October 2016










Year 6 take ‘Footsteps4Good’ to help other children

yr-6-footsteps4good-2016“Great success and a huge shout out to Provo Primary!”

Congratulations to our Year 6 students and all of the supporters who took part in Jill Beckingham’s ‘Footsteps4Good’ charity walk today.

Our Year 6 can all be very proud of the ‘footsteps’ they’ve taken today to make a difference to  children’s lives.

Loose change donations that they collected will go to the local ‘Food for Thought’ charity that aims to ensure all Turks & Caicos Islands school children are nourished and therefore able to reach their full potential. The main focus of the charity at this stage is to provide breakfast to all government school students.

Thank you to everyone for your support.


Breaking Free from Provo Primary

Our Graduating Class of 2016 performed their last dance on the Provo Primary School stage for us today.

In their time with us they have grown from Provo Primary flamingo chicks to mature fledglings. It is time for them to spread their wings, with the confidence to know that they are ready to fly the nest onto adventures new.

‘We’re soarin’, flying
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach

If we’re trying
So we’re breaking free

Year 6, it’s time to ‘Break Free’ from Provo Primary, and continue on your journey to greatness.

The Future’s Looking ‘Bright’ for our Year 6

To The Graduating Class of 2016:
As individuals we have no doubt that each of you will follow your unique talents to find success and happiness. We believe it will be a really exciting journey not only for you, but for anyone fortunate enough to cross your path.
Each of you shines your bright light and colours individually, but when you come together as a group, as you have today, you form a perfect rainbow for everyone to see.

Year 6 Steel Band play Somewhere Over the Rainbow

This past term in our music classes, we studied various styles of music such as Jazz, Blues and Reggae. As part of their learning, the children did an in depth study of Somewhere Over the Rainbow in the style of Israel Kamakawaiwo’ole, and learned about the major and minor chord progressions and to play a reggae style beat. The children worked really hard to perfect this piece on the steel drums and keyboard to play for their graduation ceremony.

Preparing to fly the nest…

Our fully-fledged Year 6 class are preparing for their graduation cermony tomorrow morning.  The flamingo is our special school emblem and we often refer to the journey of our students through the school as one from chicks to fledglings. So as our Year 6 spread their wings and take flight from our Provo Primary nest, we would like to share with them some ‘Flamingo Wisdom’, which encourages them to make good choices as they continue to soar onto greatness.


Adventures Galore in the Dominican Republic

yr-6-may-2016-2Year 6 have just returned from their week long field trip to the Dominican Republic.   An experience never to be forgotten with ever lasting memories.  Staying at Rancho Baiguate in Jarabacoa provided the perfect mountainous backdrop for an array of team building activities, cultural learning, language emersion, environmental studies; and the opportunities to develop further independence and responsible attitudes.  Our students were true ambassadors for our school and it was a pleasure to spend a well-deserved week away from home with them.  Please read a few comments below from our Year 6 students to get an idea about the experiences encountered and the powerful impact a residential trip can have on a young mind.    [Read more…]

Creativity feeds creativity!

Year 1Pirate ships, rockets, teepees, mud pies and more…

Traditionally, each year the children contribute to our annual PTA fundraiser by creating pieces of artwork to be auctioned. This year they are especially excited to be involved as proceeds from this Saturday’s event at Mango Reef will go towards enhancing our school playground.

In collaboration with the PTA, we hope to build a magical playground brimming with opportunities for more imaginative and creative play.

To help make our dreams a reality, we would like to tap into our diverse community expertise and businesses as much as possible. PTA/School funds will be utilized to pay for these local supplies and services.

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Year 6 are off on their residential trip to the D.R.

yr-6-trip-may-2016Here are the Year 6 at the airport, ready to embark on their week long eco-adventure, residential trip to Rancho Baiguate, Jarabacoa in the Dominican Republic.

At Provo Primary, we feel that residential field trips integrate academic and social development by providing students with an opportunity to investigate and apply academic knowledge to the outside world, as well as develop their personal and social skills, through a broad range of activities away from their home environment.

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Latest Provo Primary Success

yr-6-may-2016We would like to congratulate all 9 of our Year 6 students on their successful post-primary entrance exam results.   All of the children have passed every exam taken and have been accepted into the schools of their choice – either the British West Indies Collegiate, the TCI Middle School or at other international schools.

Six of our Year 6 students took local school Year 7 entrance exams:

In total, 37 children from the Turks and Caicos sat the Year 7 British West Indies Collegiate exams for 9 available places.  We are extremely pleased that all 5 of our students who sat the exam were offered a place.

All 6 students were offered a place at TCI Middle School out of only 12 available places.

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Year 5/6 Turtle Puppet Making Design and Technology

yr-5-6-turtle-puppets (8)Years 5 and 6 were very fortunate to work alongside Lempen Puppet Theatre Company last week when they visited Provo Primary.  To support our environmental focus on ‘Turtles’, Lempen Theatre Puppet experts Daniel and Liz ensured that our students Design and Technology skills would be put to the test. Listening to the story of ‘Fisherman Joe and the Three Brothers’ set the scene for our very own moving turtle puppets!


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More in-depth learning about turtles in KS2

ks2-turtle-week-april-2016 (5)‘Turtle Week’ was a busy, fun and turtley exciting week in KS2.  We are very grateful to Miss Katharine and Mrs. Amy  from DEMA and Miss Jackie from Amanyara Nature Discovery Centre for sharing their vast knowledge and for creating such a wonderful collection of fun and exciting turtle activities!

“I felt the turtle activities were really fun and made me really happy,” said BD.

“I learnt that leatherbacks have collapsible lungs so that they can dive deep,” commented ED.

“I enjoyed Turtle Week because it raises awareness of the turtle situation, especially here in the T.C.I.,” added JW.

We started ‘Turtle Week’ first thing Monday morning with a superbly informative talk by Miss Katharine Hart (DEMA) about the current situation of turtles in the world, their life cycle and the different species. Then after break the children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 took part in a round-robin of activities on the benches and field with Miss Katharine, Mrs. Amy (DEMA) and Miss Jackie (Amanyara.)

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Year 6 Emotive World War 2 Poetry

yr-6-emotive-poetryYear 6 have been studying the historical era of World War 2. In particular their learning has focused on the Holocaust, Blitz, Spies, WW2 Leaders, Impact Then and Now along with many other important areas that attributed to this frightening time in history.

Year 6 have found this time period fascinating and at times they have been heavily touched and moved by the powerful elements that have featured within lessons. With this in mind they set about writing emotive poetry based upon the events that occurred at this time to express their thoughts and feelings regarding the issues explored in class.

Emotive poetry is designed to evoke a strong emotional response after reading. Please read a selection from our class and see if our knowledge of the time period and figurative language techniques used meets this end!

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Well done Year 1 – 6 for putting on a Fantastic ‘Topic Learning’ Showcase

yr-1-6-topic-showcase-mar-2016 (24)Congratulations to all of our Year 1 – 6 classes!  Our Topic Learning Showcase was a magnificent demonstration of the tremendous talent, hard work, knowledge and creativity of all involved.  It was lovely to see so many family and friends come along to support the event and take part in the activities on offer.  The children all really enjoyed the experience, both of sharing their knowledge with others, and also getting the opportunity to visit and learn from all the other classes too.  An all-round success!

Thank you also to everyone who helped put together all of the amazing costumes – we were very impressed with your creativity, attention to detail and resourcefulness!



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‘Success for Every Learner’ Education Week Showcases

showcase-march-2016We look forward to welcoming parents and friends of Provo Primary School to join us for our fantastic Education Week Showcases on Friday.   Find out all the details in our Showcase Booklet.

Each class has a variety of activity stations set up for you to engage in and the children are all very much looking forward to sharing and explaining their learning with you!

EYFS – Toddlers – Kindergarten @ 8:30 – 9:30 AM

Learn more about how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning is incorporated into our Early Years Curriculum.

KS1/2 1 – 6 @ 2:15 – 2:50 PM

Explore how children learn through Topic-based learning, taking them on adventures back in time and around the world!

During our showcases, we encourage you to visit different classrooms around the school and not just the one that your child is currently in. We feel this will allow you to gain a greater sense of how our hands-on approach to STEM and Topic-based learning develops and enhances children’s skills as they progress through the school.

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Year 6 unleash their creativity with our new ‘Makey Makey’ kits

yr-6-makey-makey-feb-2016 (1)Year 6 were presented with the task of investigating some new technology resources at Provo Primary School today. Advertised as ‘an invention kit for the 21st century’, it was a session of experimentation, creativity and collaboration, with three groups exploring our new ‘Makey Makey’ interface controling kits.

Each group was given a Makey Makey kit, along with access to an array of resources to use with it.  Encouraged to read and follow the instructions included in the box, and to simply try things out, it wasn’t long before each group understood their potential and were busy working together to come up with their own inventive applications. Connecting their Makey Makeys with cucumbers, potatoes, carrots,  coins and playdough they were soon playing pianos and bongo drums, and creating control pads for computer games.

By the end of the session, through their own experimentation and interest, the students had learnt about the basics of computer input devices, had explored circuit making and had investigated the conductivity of different materials. Not bad for a 60 minute lesson!  It was particularly exciting to witness the moment when they realised that they themselves were conductive!

Makey Makeys are simple invention kits but, with so many possibilities, they offer incredible potential for child-initiated STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning.  Our Year 6 were certainly enthralled and buzzing with ideas on what they are planning to develop in their next session.  We look forward to seeing what they come up with and sharing their creations with you!
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Safer Internet Day is next Tuesday

WebSafer Internet Day Tuesday 9th February, 2016

How will you ‘Play Your Part for a Better Internet’?

The Internet is a wonderful tool. It is always available, contains a vast range of information and allows immediate connections with others around the globe. Here at Provo Primary computing is an integral part of our curriculum and the benefits it offers continues to be reaped by students and teachers alike. However, it is important that while embracing a digital world we maintain the same precautions and security that we would apply to the real world.

Please find some useful hints below to ensure that this safety is upheld. February 9th 2016 marks Safer Internet Day and we encourage you to bring this to the attention of your children so that they are prepared and know how to confront any challenges the Internet might throw in their direction.

Please take the time to read through some of the presentations designed by our Year 6 students. These multimedia slides offer valuable advice and suggestions to parents on how to keep the Internet fun and safe!

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