Wondrous Waterfalls

Niagara Falls, Victoria Falls, Iguazu Falls, Angel Falls…

Yes, Year 6 have been studying waterfalls!

As part of their topic/geography lessons, Year 6 have been learning all about these natural and wondrous creations.  Year 6 enjoyed researching lots of fascinating information about famous waterfalls located throughout the globe; examining beautiful photographs captured by photographers; and indeed sharing their own experiences of them through travel.

This got us thinking about how they come to be.  And if you want to know how, expect the following to be relayed to you by any member of Year 6: [Read more…]

Year 6 engage in Tourism Awareness Month in the TCI

Tuesday, November 13th was a somewhat different day for our Year 6 class.  The usual routines of their typical Tuesday were abandoned as they headed off to the TCI Community College.  As you are probably aware, November is celebrated as Tourism Awareness Month in the Turks and Caicos Islands; and the Community College operated a series of different workshops in order to celebrate and recognise the importance of tourism to our country.

The theme, Embracing Cultures, allowed our Year 6 students to celebrate the diverse range of cultures present in the TCI; and to consider how this diverse population is essential to continued and improved tourist experiences.  Presentations, stories, music, dance and food ensured that the day was entertaining, informative and filling.

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SFS Superstars visit was a hit!

Wednesday the 17th October the whole of KS2 were lucky enough to be visited by the wonderful SFS (School for Field Studies) from South Caicos. These are university students from America who come over to study the nature, biology and wonders of the T.C.I for one semester. They have visited our school for roughly the past 5 years and it is always a complete delight to have them here. Their enthusiasm and their kind, friendly, open nature towards all of our children makes their visit not only academically worthwhile but also a wonderful social experience for the children interacting with a different age group.

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Our Class of Stars

Can you guess who is who in Year 6?

Please take a look at their fantastic portraits and see if you can decipher all the students in the current Year 6 class!

As part of our work in P.S.H.E, Year 6 have been following a scheme of work entitled: What Makes Me, Me?  One aspect of this unit of work demanded the production of a personal portrait which had to be annotated with words describing the personality of the individual depicted.

Students had to observe their facial features closely in order to attain a similar copy within their portrait.  This also enabled the children to appreciate their unique features; and to consider how similar or different they are to their parents, siblings and other family members.

Once the sketching element of the process was finished the children used oil pastels to bring the portrait to life.  Experimenting with a range of colours, tones and shades was messy, but fun work!

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Wild World – Steel Drums – Graduation 2018

Hotel California – Steel Drums – Graduation 2018

Congratulations to our Graduating Class of 2018

Congratulations Year 6, you have GRADUATED!

We congratulate our Year 6 children for their great effort and the incredible progress they have made in all areas of the curriculum. They have achieved the results they worked so hard for, have all graduated and are going to the schools of their choice. We are excited that 10 of our children will be attending our new Middle School (Provo Middle School) and the other 6 children will be going to B.W.Indies Collegiate.

Although we tend to focus on our children’s academic achievements at this time of year, these are not our only focus.

I did an exercise with the Year 6 class prior to their graduation where I asked them to write down their life goals[Read more…]

Year 6 in the Dominican Republic – June 2018

Year 6 have just recently settled back into school after an amazing, adventurous and astounding week in the Dominican Republic. Once again Year 6 made the journey to Rancho Baiguate, which is located in the area of Jarabacoa in the Dominican Republic. For 4 nights and 5 days our students participated in a range of activities. These activities included: high ropes courses, zip lining, hikes, water rafting, visiting waterfalls, horse-back riding, team-building games and so much more.

Participating in a residential trip of this size enables ample opportunities for personal development. On this trip our Year 6 students increased their level of independence; worked collaboratively with others; challenged themselves to try new things and overcome fears; immersed themselves in a different culture; applied their knowledge of Spanish in a real and meaningful context; showed support to a less affluent community; appreciated natural beauty…the list goes on!

Our students demonstrated excellent behavior, listening skills and attention. They embraced the opportunities given to them and gave it their all. A fantastic week which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. I wish to thank all of the other teachers and parent volunteers who came along. Their support, encouragement and enthusiasm were invaluable to the success of this trip.

Please read the comments below from our students and witness firsthand how this trip impacted upon them positively.

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Astounding Animators

In computing classes this term Year 6 have been studying animation; and in particular Stop Motion Animation.  We have discovered that Stop Motion Animation is a film making technique in which objects are physically manipulated in small increments between individually photographed frames so that they appear to exhibit independent motion when the series of frames are played back together.

With this in mind, Year 6 were charged with the task of creating an animation linked to our topic work: Natural Disasters.  In pairs, individuals had to storyboard a sequence linked to a natural disaster.  When this was completed they had to design a set and then build it.  This would serve as the backdrop to their short films.  Once this task was realised, the students used the app: Animate It on the school iPads to capture individual images which would then be played back to reveal a final animated short film.

The results were fantastic and the final movies showcased earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions and so on.

Please check out the photographs below to see Year 6 in action!  Collaborating and animating to make a super cool short film.

Want to see the films?  Then come and ask a Year 6 to show you them.

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Year 6 have arrived in the D.R.

The Year 6 have arrived in Rancho Baiguate, Jarabacoa in the Dominican Republic for their week-long eco-adventure, residential trip.   The trip links well with the topics the Year 6 have studied throughout the year and will be a wonderful opportunity for them to apply their Spanish learning to real-life situations. With horseback riding, jeep rides, ropes course, kayaking, zip-lining, hiking, fishing, swimming and river rafting, along with a visit to coffee and flower plantations on the agenda, it certainly looks to be an exciting week of adventure.

At Provo Primary, we feel that residential field trips integrate academic and social development by providing students with an opportunity to investigate and apply academic knowledge to the outside world, as well as develop their personal and social skills, through a broad range of activities away from their home environment.



Celebrating Iguana Week

View a snapshot of our week’s learning about our endemic TCI Rock Iguana. Enjoy photos of our toddlers to Year 6 as you listen to the vibes of Correy Forbes and the Rakooneers. A special thank you to ‘Rocky the Iguana’ and Dr. Higgs from The National Trust and Amy Avenant from DECR for visiting us.

Going for Gaelic!

This mid-term we have been incredibly lucky to have had the chance to try out a sport that is completely new to most of us here in the T.C.I-Gaelic football Irish: Peil Ghaelach; short name Peil or Caid), commonly referred to as football or Gaelic! It is an Irish team sport, played between two teams of 15 players on a rectangular grass pitch. The objective of the sport is to score by kicking or punching the ball into the other team’s goals (3 points) or between two upright posts above the goals and over a crossbar 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) above the ground (1 point). The range of skills this game tests and improves is fantastic and has been a real eye-opener for Key Stage Two!

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Invertebrate Sketching

As part of their learning in Science this term, Year 6 have been studying classification and variation within the animal kingdom. With a specific focus on invertebrates they have been finding out all sorts of scientific information which have left them informed; and fascinated to discover more about this important element of the animal kingdom.

In order to categorize invertebrates carefully, observational skills are a must! Year 6 used this skill to even greater effect in art class, which demanded a pencil sketch of invertebrates drawn from: insects, mollusks, arachnids, crustaceans, echinoderms, Cnidarians, sponges and annelids.

Please check out some of the sketches below or visit the Year 6 classroom to see more. Examine them closely and see how they used paper space to good effect; focused in on light and dark tones using shading; and used lines and curves to give an almost realistic impression!

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Provo Primary ‘Pantastic’ Show Tickets on Sale

Years 1-6 present…


Friday 8th and Saturday 9th December

6pm @ Provo Primary School.

Tickets $10 (Children 12 and under free)            

Food and drink on sale.

Buy your tickets in the school office or on IsleHelp from Monday 27th onwards.

Email info@provolearning.com or call 333 5638 for details or to make a reservation.

Synopsis:  It’s an adventure like no other as Peter Pan whisks the intrepid Darling children off to the fantastical world of Neverland.  It’s a world of Lost Boys and villainous pirates, fearsome natives and enchanting fairies. And boy do they fight!

When Wendy and Tiger Lily are kidnapped by the pirates, can the ever-youthful Peter find a way to rally the Lost Boys, appease the angry Natives and defeat the pirates once and for all? Or will Captain Hook play his final hand!

Congratulations to our Graduating Year 6

      Today is one of those occasions when we get to celebrate our young people – their achievements, their perseverance and their successes as they grow up.  It is one of the times you can take a break and reflect, feeling good as a parent or mentor, knowing that the children you care about are doing just fine and they’re on the right path.

Graduates, you should know that your Mums and Dads are very proud of you today.  They have high hopes for you, and they believe in you, and you are making them proud by showing them what you can do.  Today is an important day for you and them.  Today they are very, very proud of you. [Read more…]

Our Day Will Come – Year 6 Steel Drums – Graduation 2017

On Days Like These – Year 6 Steel Drums – Graduation 2017

Year 6 Hurricane Poetry

Be Prepared

What can I do to you

This Is What

Terrible and Treacherous Typhoons


Throughout this term year 6 have been learning about natural disasters.  Our studies started with an examination of the differing layers of the Earth; and the tectonic plate theory.  This provided us with the foundations to enable an understanding of how and why such disasters occur.  Independent research and dedicated focus on case studies have allowed year 6 to realize the short and long term effects that arise once a natural disaster strikes a country.  With this in mind Year 6 have produced some beautiful emotive poetry based upon hurricanes.  They felt that this was an appropriate angle to take considering the threat of hurricanes on our islands.  Please read through a selected sample of their poetry.  You will notice how they have used poetic devices to good effect.  Look out for the power of 3, hyperbole, similes, metaphors, puns and so on as they manipulate language to ensure the creation of a powerful poem which hits the heart of the reader!


Adventures Galore in the Dominican Republic – 2017

Year 6 have just returned from their week long field trip to the Dominican Republic.   An experience never to be forgotten with ever lasting memories.  Staying at Rancho Baiguate in Jarabacoa provided the perfect mountainous backdrop for an array of team building activities, cultural learning, language immersion, environmental studies; and the opportunities to develop further independence and responsible attitudes.  Our students were true ambassadors for our school and it was a pleasure to spend a well-deserved week away from home with them.

Please read a few comments below from our Year 6 students to get an idea about the experiences encountered and the powerful impact a residential trip can have on a young mind.

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Having a GRRRRRREAT TIME in the D.R.!

It certainly looks like Year 6 are thoroughly enjoying their residential trip away at Rancho Baiguate in Jarabacoa Dominican Republic this week.

With horseback riding, river rafting, treks to waterfalls, zip-lining, bonfire nights, shopping and much more!  What a great opportunity to practise their Spanish skills too!  We’re sure they’re going to return with plenty of stories to tell of their adventures!

What a wonderful reward for all of their hard work and success recently with all of their post primary entrance exams.

A big thank you to Mr. Jason, Mrs. Yorka, Mrs. B, Ingo and Cesar for planning and accompanying the children on this adventure.  No doubt you’re having lots of fun too!

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Congratulations to our AMAZING Year 6

We would like to congratulate all our Year 6 students for being successfully accepted into schools of their choice as they move on from Provo Primary. 

Their post-primary entrance exam results were outstanding!

  • 9 of the top 13 places at the British West Indies Collegiate School.
  • 15 of the top 16 places at the TCI Middle School.

We are very proud of each of them and their personal achievements.  We know that they have worked extremely hard towards this goal and their efforts have clearly been rewarded.

Thank you and well done to Mr. Jason, our incredible Year 6 teacher, and to all of the teachers who have guided the children through their learning journey throughout the school.  We also thank all their families for supporting them throughout their primary years. Congratulations on a team effort of dedication, hard work, preparation, support and a belief in what you can achieve when you do your personal best!

But exams don’t tell the whole story…

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Spectacular Art for our PTA Auction Tomorrow

Take a look at all of this amazing art work created by each of our classes from Toddlers to Year 6!  I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s absolutely beautiful.

Well… it could be yours!

Bidding has already started at half day pick up today and will be open again after school.  Final bidding will take place at our 25th Anniversary PTA Event at the Shore Club on Saturday evening.  All proceeds from the art auction will go to our PTA Funds.

We are so proud of all the children for working together with these under the talented, creative direction of Mrs. Yorka and the teachers.


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Fabulous Flamingo Week 2017 Artwork and Learning

Did you know –  flamingoes’ legs can sometimes be longer than their entire body? Flamingoes can also live up to 30 years old, and sometimes even 50 if they live in a protected place away from predators. To attract a female flamingo, the male flamingoes perform a synchronized dance whereby they stand together stretching their necks upwards, uttering calls while waving their heads and flapping their wings? We all had fun trying to imitate this dance in Year 3. We wondered if the flamingoes laughed and had as much fun as we did…what beautiful happy birds they are!

Each year, we dedicate a week to learn in-depth about the local wildlife in our environment here in the Turks and Caicos. This year we are exploring the world of Flamingoes. In previous years we have studied ospreys, sharks and turtles.  These are all extra special to us here at Provo Primary as our classes are named after these local animals.  Each year, we invite local experts in to talk to us and share their knowledge of the animals, their habitats here in the TCI and about why it is important for us to protect them.

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Egg-tastic Characters and Set Designs

Year 6 have just completed an egg-tastic character and set design project.  As part of our design technology curriculum; and to celebrate Easter, Year 6 were posed with the challenge of creating egg characters and set designs that would complement their selections.

Getting busy to work, the students had to ‘blow out’ real eggs so that they could devise their fictitious characters.  Once this ‘gross’ task had been finished, they were able to enhance the eggs using paints, sharpies and so on.  The backdrop had to complement the egg characters and the students used an array of medium to fulfill the requirements of this task.

The final results are fantastic.  Please view our included photographs so that you can get a sense of the selections made.  The Year 6 students had a lot of ‘messy fun’ while engaged in this creative Easter task.

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Year 4 & 6 make Rocket Fuel!

A simple science lesson led to the manufacturing of Rocket Fuel in Year 4 this week!

As part of our science topic on Electrical Circuits, Year 4 were asked to test whether water acts as a conductor or insulator of electricity. With the very small charge (3 batteries) that we were using, it appeared that the water was an insulator. However, when children returned from breaktime to discover that bubbles had formed on one of the connecting wires, they began to think that the water actually was conducting a small amount of electricity.

We learned that salt water (and other impure water solutions) will conduct electricity. As soon as we added salt to the water, each connecting wire began to fizz.

Children immediately wanted to know what was happening. Instead of finding out right away, we enlisted the help of Year 6 (and all their experimenting experience) to capture the gasses that were being created.

By working together in small groups, we managed to manufacture 6 test-tubes of rocket fuel!

Watch our video to find out how we did it. And, more importantly, how we proved that we really did have rocket fuel… [Read more…]