In Spanish lessons in years 5 and 6, we’ve been learning about how to order food in a restaurant. Using Spanish menus we created ourselves, we practised and performed a role play, in which we played waiters and customers at eating establishments that serve all our favourite dishes! We had lots of fun creating each scene, and some of us even added a bit of our creativity and imagination to the scenes! Take a look at our videos and see if you can understand our conversations. Click on ‘read more…’ to see the Year 5 Video. [Read more…]
Key Stage 2 PE Showcase
This week, children in Key Stage 2 were excited to present their PE learning in our end of term showcase event. Older children participated in a Gymnastics Show while children in Years 3 and 4 participated in a 4-on-4 Basketball Tournament. This was the second of two such showcase events this term and we were very pleased that is was again well supported and praised by parents. We’d like to say a big thank you to Adina and all the staff at Graceway Sports Centre for the use of their amazing facilities, which have enabled the children to learn and improve so much this term!
Key Stage 2 Rugby
The children in Years 3-6 have been excited to try their hand at another fantastic sport this half term! We were delighted to offer a course of Rugby ‘taster’ sessions when we received the offer of coaching from the Turks and Caicos Islands Rugby Football Union!
These sessions have focused on the key skills of passing, movement and game-play. Some children, who already participate in the TCIRFU’s clubs, were keen to show off their skills in the sport, while others were excited by the challenge of something new!
We will watch this space and look forward to seeing our students developing a good understanding of another exciting team sport.
Year 5’s Secret Writing
Have you ever fancied yourself as a spy? In order to be a proper spy you will need to know how to read and write secret messages. In this experiment, Year 5 learned how to create them.
In the process they learned that iodine can check for the presence of starch and Vitamin C. In a bowl we mixed one tablespoon of cornstarch and a tablespoon of water. Using this mixture, we took a toothpick and wrote a secret message on a piece of paper. We waited for our message to dry to see the results. It was barely visible on the paper. Then we dipped our paper into an iodine mixture to reveal the secret message. “Happy Birthday” appeared in dark purple. It was no longer a secret and a nice surprise for the birthday boy in our class. This proved our theory that iodine reacts with the starch creating a dark purple message. The white paper also turned a lighter purple, due to the small amount of starch it already contains.
In order to make the message disappear again, we would just add lemon juice. When lemon juice is painted over top of the writing, the Vitamin C in the juice reacts with the iodine to make a new colourless compound and the writing disappears.
Year 5 have completed their first course in how to become a Spy. Who says Science has to be boring?
Taking Ownership of the Library!
Inspired by lots of newly bought fiction books and our computer system needing updating, a chance to make a change and take ownership of the how the library is organised was seized by KS2 children this week. Discussion, debate, research and lots of sorting occurred as the children worked together to re-organise all the fiction books from the library shelves into their respective genres, during World Book Day Celebrations last week.
“It felt good to work together to organise the library”…”I like how the different genre stickers will help me find the sort of books I’m interested in”…”I think our new library looks bright and colourful”.
Year 5 and 6 World War 2 Wonder
The Years 5 and 6 are studying World War Two this term and were lucky enough to have a very special visitor this week, Sven Kirkegaad, a granddad of one of the children, who was just a little boy in Denmark when World War Two was going on. He told both classes about his experiences of living under German occupation: the rationing of food; the blacking out of lights as British bombers flew overhead and the nice and not so nice soldiers. Some of the children’s comments were… “He told us some very interesting stories. ” … “ My favourite story was when he was telling us about the German soldier who came to his door, asking for his father and his mother had to race away on a bicycle to find him.” Listening to a firsthand perspective of war really helped the children understand how different and difficult life could be, as well as informing them about a different country’s experience of war. Next week, Year 6 are looking forward to making models of ships which were involved in the battle at Dunkirk and possibly even a few famous Spitfires!
Year 5 – Explore Liquids, Solids and Gases
Can you think and act like a scientist? Year Five have proven they are real scientists by discovering some of the characteristics of solids, liquids and gases. Through various experiments, they have started to learn how matter can change physically and chemically.
One of our experiments involved finding the boiling point of liquids. Although most students knew the boiling point of water was 100 oC, they did not realize that other liquids have different boiling points. They were surprised to learn that alcohol‘s boiling point was 78 oC, 22 oC less than water. Both substances reached their boiling point within 2 minutes and once they started to boil their temperatures did not increase, no matter how long we boiled them.
Our second experiment involved a chemical change using vinegar and baking soda. We discovered that when matter changes form in a chemical reaction, it looks, smells and feels different. However, it will still have the same mass.
We will be scientists all term long, look for our next blog on how to create secret writing.
Year Five Hospital Visit
One of our Year Five Science Topics this term has been on the cardiovascular system, where we have been learning about the heart and how it pumps blood around our body. A visit to our recently built hospital was a fantastic opportunity to see how doctors monitor our hearts with a variety of equipment.
The best part of our visit was examining a child’s heart using an ultra sound machine. We could see the four chambers of the heart (atrium and ventricles). We could see the tricuspid and bicuspid valves opening and closing, allowing blood to flow through from the heart to the lungs. The children were able to identify the pulmonary artery, lungs and the aorta. [Read more…]
Parts of a Flowering Plant
Year 5 have been learning about parts of the flower and their role in the life cycle of flowering plants. We opened up a flower by removing the petals to look at the reproductive organs. We took out the stamen of the flower and wiped it on black paper to look at the yellow dust like material called pollen. The children were surprised to see how much pollen came out of each stamen. We carefully used a toothpick to open the carpel to look at the female organs which contain the ovaries. This is where the seed of the flower is reproduced.
Baking Bread Bonanza!
Year 5 and 6 have been baking lots of different breads recently after tasting a wide variety themselves! They looked at a range of basic bread recipes and tried some of these out before then designing their own bread in groups. They had to consider texture, taste, who their buyer would be and how to make it appealing. Some had chocolate chips in, some had lemon and cinnamon, all of the breads were a success and enjoyed by the children and their lucky families! We have now evaluated our breads and what we would do to improve them next time. The Year 5’s and 6’s are now focusing on how to package their bread to appeal to their customer. [Read more…]
KS2 Athletics Sports Day 2011
As a culmination of all the events in our Keeping Healthy week, Years 3-6 set off for Sports Day at the Athletics track! All children competed in teams, collecting the greatest score possible for their groups by either running, jumping or throwing for victory! After developing our Athletics skills throughout the past 6 weeks, the children were able to show off their newly acquired skills in the hurdles, long jump, triple jump, discus, javelin, and shot put.
Achieving Personal Bests in KS2 Athletics
In KS2 (Years 3 – 6), our Athletics P.E. programme aims to provide enjoyable and stimulating activities and challenges based on the core actions of walking, running, jumping and throwing.
Children are encouraged to set and achieve goals for the improvement of personal or team performances. Each session, the children record their results in their ‘Personal Best Record Booklet’. They enjoy seeing how they are improving and it adds a positive competitive element that encourages them to develop an interest in further developing their skills. These booklets have been a big hit and they are really helping to boost each child’s self-esteem. Ask your child to share their personal record with you and see how they are improving.
We would like to thank parent volunteers, Haley and Katrina, for capturing these athletics moments for us to share with you. Look out for future photos of our hurdles, triple jump, discus and relay sessions and we look forward to seeing you at our KS2 Sports Day on Friday 21st October – 9:15- 10:45am at the National Stadium Athletics Track.
National Primary School Debate
Congratulations to our Year 5 Debate Team who competed in the National Primary School Debate this week.
‘Money Is More Important Than Education’ was the moot of the day.
Our team certainly delivered some powerful points, each presenting superb speeches lasting 7, 5 and 3 minutes respectively. Special congratulations also go to one team member for winning a best speaker trophy. We are very proud of all the children’s efforts and how they rose to this challenge of public speaking.
Watch highlights of the debate, and see the children being interviewed, on our local WIV 4 news channel: Primary School Debate Interview
“I am” Poetry
Miss Bonnie introduced an ‘I am’ writing frame to our year 4 – 6 children. Here are some reflective poems written by Rahim, Millie, Amanda and Grace.
I Am Rahim
I am an imaginative boy who likes to dream,
I wonder if the world is ours, free for us to take,
I hear the sounds of achievement ringing in my ears,
I see characters popping out of fantasies and books,
I want to be able to dream away for hours and hours on end,
I am an imaginative boy who likes to dream…
Did you know a Squid had a Beak?
Following an introductory lesson on cephalopods with a focus on squid, the Year 4/5 and 6 classes participated in a hands-on squid dissection lesson.
As the dissection progressed, the children were able to identify major external and internal features and organs of a squid and to explain their functions. The children were particularly excited to extract the squid’s beak, its eye lenses and its remnant shell (called a pen). They then used the pen and some squid ink to write a message!
The children absolutely loved the experience and would like to thank Mrs. Bonnie and Mr Joel for teaching them about cephalopods and for leading the squid dissection.
Click on ‘read more…’ to see some more photos.
Many, Many Years Ago in Ancient Greece…
Years 4 and 5 wrote their own myths and kindly invited Year 3 to share the reading of them. Year 3 were so impressed with their stories that were full of magical events, scary slimy creatures, impossible tasks and brave heroes, that they were inspired to also write their own myths. Year 3 would like to pass on a big thank you to Years 4/5. They would also like to return the invite and have more fun shared reading next week – this time with their myths.
Year 4/5 Learning about Greek Myths
This term during our Literacy lessons, Year 4 and 5 have been learning about Greek Myths. A myth is a story with a purpose. It tries to explain the way the world is. Greek Myths also try to explain the relationship between Gods and humans. The class has read, watched and heard tales about Hercules and Theseus and the Minotaur, Jason and the Golden Fleece, Perseus and Medusa and many more. They have designed their own ferocious monsters and are presently creating fact sheets about each playful God. Their aim, when they are ready, is to write their own exciting Greek myth. They hope to publish some of these here on our blog – so watch this space!
Cooking Up A Math Lesson
Our Year 4/5 learned first-hand why paying attention in Math class can turn you from flop to top in the work place.
The children are currently learning about weights and measures, but to take the lesson out of theory in into practice, their teacher asked the chefs at our local ‘Beaches Resort’ to give her a little help. Chef Darren invited the students into his kitchen to see how he and other chefs use math everyday cooking up perfection in the kitchen.
[Read more…]
Year 3-5 Little Water Cay Field Trip
On Monday, Years 3, 4 and 5 excitedly headed down to Big Blue Dock to meet Chris, Laura and Ben, our ‘Big Blue’ happy tour guides and boat captain, for our much awaited summer field trip! After being fitted with fins, life jackets, and after a formal introduction to the boat and water safety, we set sail for Little Water Cay. The signs were there that we were going to have a remarkable day as we saw a little sting ray before we had even left the dock!
Yr 5: Spice Up Your Life!
Year 5 have been looking at tales from other cultures in Literacy. They have been reading Grandpa Chatterji which is a story about an Indian family living in the UK. As part of this, the children were given ‘mystery spice bags’, and based on some given information, they tried to identify each of the spices. They really enjoyed this sensory challenge. They did very well and our classroom ended up smelling very exotic! Well done, guys!
Year 5, 6 and 7’s Mini Greek Olympics
Last Thursday, as part of the Year 5/6/7’s History lesson, Mrs Karine organised a mini Olympics, based on the 5 events of the pentathlon. The children were split into 5 teams, Argos, Corinth, Athens, Sparta and Megara and all took part in a sprint, arm wrestle, discus, javelin or standing jump. As we have learned, the 5 city states were very competitive, and our children were wonderful in role. We definitely had lots of cheating Spartans! It was a great morning with the Athenians coming out as the overall winners. Well done, everyone!
Join the Reading Rush!
Year 5 teamed up with one of our Year 1 Literacy groups to read some information texts together. This linked in very nicely with our Turks and Caicos Education Department’s ‘Join the Reading Rush 2010’ celebrations
Both classes really enjoyed the session and a variety of knowledge was absorbed! Well done, everyone!
TCI 'Massin' Provo Primary Style
David Bowen, our Director of Culture, came to help out with rehearing one of our Year 5 performances in our upcoming End of Year Show: Bob the Elf – Christmas around the World.
The story is about an Elf who travels the globe with Santa on Christmas Eve learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world. On his journey he visits our country, the Turks and Caicos where he sees some ‘Massin’, our traditional native Junkanoo music parade. In the photo above you can see a sneak preview of the children practising.
The children will be busy this week making creative masks and costumes out of just about anything. Here is a photo of a man dress up in his ‘Massin’ costume to give you a glimpse.
They can’t wait for you to see it on the night!
Year 3 – 7 Sports Day 2009
Our Year 3 to 7 Sports’ Day was a huge success today with children demonstrating a range of athletic track and field skills, great sportsmanship and team work. From javelin and long jump to hurdles, sprints and relay races, all the children tried their individual best and had lots of fun. Thank you everyone who helped organize the event and to all of you who were able to attend.
A Busy Week for Year 5 in our ICT Suite and Library
Last week Year 5 spent lots of time in the ICT suite for various lessons. On Monday, they were busy taking meal orders for a fictional burger bar, and creating a spreadsheet to enter the data into and work out the class’s meal costs! On Wednesday they returned there in their geography lesson to research and ultimately produce a fact sheet about Miss Beki’s home town of London. At the end of the lesson she felt they knew more about it than her! They also had digital photography with Mrs Krys, looking at Photoshop and learning how it all worked!
Every Tuesday, Year 5 have a library session where they spend some time thoroughly looking at the fiction and non-fiction books our library has to offer and carefully selecting two for their week’s reading. It also gives Miss Beki a chance to hear everybody read and help the children select books that are suitable for them! This week we are hoping to put together some book reviews to be displayed!