Our Year 6 and Year 4 level Math groups got together this week to work on some Christmas problem solving. The Year 6 took on the role of teachers, supporting the Year 4s. They prepared their lessons carefully, thinking through how they would help and encourage their partners to work through each problem, logically and methodically, using a range of strategies. Everyone enjoyed the experience and the room was a buzz of activity.
Cooking Up A Math Lesson
Our Year 4/5 learned first-hand why paying attention in Math class can turn you from flop to top in the work place.
The children are currently learning about weights and measures, but to take the lesson out of theory in into practice, their teacher asked the chefs at our local ‘Beaches Resort’ to give her a little help. Chef Darren invited the students into his kitchen to see how he and other chefs use math everyday cooking up perfection in the kitchen.
[Read more…]
Year 3-5 Little Water Cay Field Trip
On Monday, Years 3, 4 and 5 excitedly headed down to Big Blue Dock to meet Chris, Laura and Ben, our ‘Big Blue’ happy tour guides and boat captain, for our much awaited summer field trip! After being fitted with fins, life jackets, and after a formal introduction to the boat and water safety, we set sail for Little Water Cay. The signs were there that we were going to have a remarkable day as we saw a little sting ray before we had even left the dock!
All Aboard-Yr 3/4 Explore a Visiting a Naval Ship
Three ships from the Dominican Republic Navy made an official visit to the island on Monday June 14 for three days. The vessels were crewed by more than 40 sailors. Year 3/4 accepted an invitation from the Dominican Republic Naval fleet and headed to the Turtle Cove Marina for an exciting tour of one of their ships. The children were escorted around the boat by naval officers who kindly answered all their questions.
Ancient Greek Day
Last term ,Year3/4 celebrated the end of their Ancient Greek topic by having an Ancient Greek day. The children came to school dressed in Greek clothes and really looked the part! All of Year 3/4 would like to say a BIG thanks to parents who contributed to their Greek Feast! The day was a huge success!
TCI Times – Year 3/4's Fairy Tale Newspapers
Year 3/4 has been working exceptionally hard during their Literacy lessons to learn how to become journalists!
After studying a variety of local newspapers and identifying their key features, the class split into pairs and chose a fairy tale or story of their choice to write a report about. Some chose Little Red Riding Hood, Matilda, Cinderella or Snow White. Each pair was given the task of reporting the story from a different perspective.
The children impressed their editor so much that all the children’s reports made the front page! This of course meant the children had extra work and had to prepare headlines, photographs with captions and even create appropriate adverts!
If you would like to read the children’s front page stories they are in the Library and Miss Steph’s classroom…
Year 3 – 7 Sports Day 2009
Our Year 3 to 7 Sports’ Day was a huge success today with children demonstrating a range of athletic track and field skills, great sportsmanship and team work. From javelin and long jump to hurdles, sprints and relay races, all the children tried their individual best and had lots of fun. Thank you everyone who helped organize the event and to all of you who were able to attend.
Year 3/4’s Collaborative Art
During our first week back at school children in Years 3/4 were thrown into the deep end and challenged to complete a Collaborative Art Project. They were asked to fill a display board by recreating an ocean scene.
Year 3 and 4 were very lucky last week to have Brian and Natasha come to talk to them and answer their many questions about sea turtles that live around The Turks and Caicos Islands.
Grade 4 visit the Environmental Centre
Grade 4 visited the Environmental Centre as part of their Social Studies topic on the Turks and Caicos Islands. They enjoyed finding out about the different types of habitats and animals that live in the TCI. They also had fun using their saved up Golden Time playing in the Children’s Play Park. See a slideshow of photos from the day.
Grade 4 Beowulf Drama and Creative Writing
Click on below to read a couple of pieces of creative writing that were inspired by this drama re-enactment in their English lesson… [Read more…]
Grade 4 Pop-up Books
Grade Four’s Design and Technology project for this term has been all about ‘Pop-up’ books. They researched lots of different pop up books and then designed their own. The children wrote their own stories and then tried out different types of pop ups; flaps, steps, spirals, spinners and sliders. They enjoyed sharing them with each other and other classes and teachers. Some of the children read their books together with Miss Sian, our principal. She was very impressed with the quality of both the pop-up designs and the stories. She had lots of fun the opening flaps and pulling the sliders! Well done, Miss Helen and all the Grade 4s for all your hard work on this project. It is a great example of how Literacy skills can be taught through a creative purposeful approach. We are sure you’ll treasure these books for years to come.
G1-7 Sports’ Day 2009
Our Grade 1-7 Sports’ Day was a great success today and was packed full of fun. The children were full of energy, determined to do their best and displayed excellent teamwork and sportsmanship. See the movie below for all the highlights.
[WINDOWSMEDIA http://www.provoprimaryblog.com/movies/sports-day-2009-highlights.wmv 425 350]
See more movies on each of the teams that took part:Â Blue, Yellow, Green and Red… [Read more…]
Grade 4 – Tudor Dancing
This week in theme week, the Grade 4s are learning about life in Tudor times, 500 years ago. Dancing was an extremely popular pastime during the Tudor era for both the rich and poor people. Dancing was considered “a wholesome recreation of the mind and also an exercise of the body” The Grade 4s learned some Tudor dances today. Watch the clip below to see them in action.
[WINDOWSMEDIA http://www.provoprimaryblog.com/movies/grade-4-tudor-dancing.wmv 425 350]
See a movie of how a family might have lived Tudor times.
Watch children at another school dancing.
See a good school website about the tudors.
Music in Grade Four
Grade Four love playing the steel drums during their music lessons. They have learnt the names and roles of the different drums, as well as memorizing some of the chords which they have to play.
Grade Four Visit Cheshire Halls
Before Spring Break, the Grade Four children enjoyed a trip to Cheshire Halls. Cheshire Halls is a 200 year-old ruin of a former cotton plantation. The National Trust has carefully preserved the site so that it stays as one of Providenciales’ key historic attractions.
The children had a fun and informative tour (and a free Birds of TCI calendar). They especially enjoyed smelling and tasting some of the fresh herbs which still grow on the estate. [Read more…]
Grade Four's Adventures with Beowulf
Grade Four have been reading all about the exciting adventures of Beowulf, the Dragon Slayer by Rosemary Sutcliff. They really enjoyed reading together and learning lots of new vocabulary. They were so addicted to the book, that they experimented with lots of different writing styles.
Spelling City
Looking for a fun educational site that can help children improve your child’s spelling skills. Miss Alison recommends that you check out Spelling City
This site:
– contains over 25,000 words, including plurals, contractions, future and past tenses
– uses a REAL human voice that says both the word and the word in a sentence
– has a ‘Teach Me’ function that spells out the word using both visual and auditory input to improve retention
– allows parents to enter and save their own spelling lists for their children
– lets children play games with their words or any saved lists
– enables parents to save and share their lists.
This is an American website so remember that our Grades will be one lower on this site – eg. Our Grade 1 is an American Kindergarten and our Grade 3 will be an American Grade 2.
Presently, this site is best viewed in Internet Explorer as it has some known issues with Firefox.
2nd TCI National Cross Country Championship
On the morning of Friday 16th November, a group of 6 girls and 3 boys represented Provo Primary School in the National Cross Country Championships.
Schools from all over Turks and Caicos took part and our children participated in the 1 mile event for children under 11. All of the children completed the course in quite exceptional times – bearing in mind that the team had been hit by illness over the past 2 weeks, affecting training schedules. In fact, our Girls’ Team finished within a few places of each other, demonstrating super team spirit and our best team score to date. There were only 3 boys able to compete and they all did well – our best placing being 5th overall – an outstanding achievement considering the size of our school and the number of competitors.
Well done to all our athletes, we are so proud of you!
Private Eye Poetry
The children in Grades 3 – 6 have been writing poetry with Miss Bonnie, our visiting volunteer teacher from Canada. Click to read some of their poems and to learn more about the Private Eye program that she uses to help inspire the children to look closely at everyday objects around them and ask the question – “What is that like?”
Sports’ Day – Grades 1 – 6
Following on from the highly successful Kindergarten Sports’ Day, Grades 1 to 6 had their annual Sports’ Day at 4.00pm this afternoon. The children arrived at the Football Field wearing their team colours and competed against each other demonstrating a wide range of skills and a lot of stamina!
Grade 4/5…Take A Seat!
Can you Make a Chair out of Newspaper?
Whilst some of the children in Grades 3-5 were out of school competing in the Inter-Schools Athletics, the rest of the Grades 3-5 joined together to work on a fun problem solving activity. Supplied with only a small pile of newspapers and a roll of tape, they were set the challenge – ‘Can you design and make a chair that will support your weight?’
See a slideshow of us working on our project.
Take a closer look at the science behind this project and learn more about how we tackled this seemingly impossible structural task …
[Read more…]
Budding Athletes!
In PE this term, Grades 3-6 have been developing their athletics skills.
The children have been given the exciting opportunity of being coached by Michael Jules, the National Athletics coach, at the Gustarvus Lightbourne Sports Complex. We have been able to use the track, long jump pit and high jump.
All the children have enjoyed these sessions and we would like to thank Michael for giving up his time each week.
Grade 4/5 Remembers
Look at our fantastic work!