Join us to see Year 4’s perfomance of My Dad’s a Birdman

yr4-birdman-poster-2013Roll up! Roll up! It’s time for the Great Human Bird Competition!

As part of our Literacy project on Plays, Flamingo Class are excited to present their very own performance of My Dad’s A Birdman on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.

The Year 4 classroom has been a hive of activity for the past 13 days, as we developed our theatre project using skills learned across our curriculum. Every lesson has had a distinctly feathery theme! We invite you all to join us for a memorable performance…we’re ready for take off!

In our reading, we have been thinking about how we can infer how characters feel by the things that they say. We have used this difficult skill to help us create a fantastic play, using all our drama skills to bring the story to life!

But it hasn’t stopped with reading skills! We have been learning about persuasive writing so that we can create advertisements for our performance. In our dance lessons, we have choreographed original dances to represent moods and feelings as well as create images of birds in our audience’s mind. In order to create our set and props, we have used our art and design lessons. We even experimented with air resistance in science to see if we really could fly!

We can’t wait to show you our fantastic show. So Roll up! Roll up!


Maximising air resistance in Y4

yr-4-air-resistance-2013-9-jpgAs part of our on-going science learning about Friction, Flamingo Class have been busy designing and building a contraption that can maximise the effects of air resistance.

Linking with our literacy work on My Dad’s a Birdman, we held a Great Human Parachute Competition! We wanted to see who could maximise air resistance by creating a parachute/hang-glider for a toy doll. The design process was very difficult: light and large materials were a popular choice, but making them strong enough to survive the fall was really tricky!

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Flamingo Class Debate Roman Legacy

yr-4-roman-legacy-apr-2013 (5)Students in Flamingo Class have been busy researching aspects of Ancient Roman life this week, in preparation for a great debate!

Together they have discovered some incredible things about some of the inventions, buildings, ideas and beliefs that made the Roman Empire so influential in World history!

Read on and decide which of these facts you think is most incredible?



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How does your Skeleton Work? Allow Flamingo Class to Explain!

Writing pic 3Do you want to know how each of your bones bones protect you, help you move and support your body? Well, you’re in luck! We have created the perfect text for you!

Our Year 4 bone experts have been busy learning how to write explanation texts this term. We discovered lots of great facts during our Moving and Growing topic and we wanted to help you understand the special jobs each bone does.


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Jk – Year 6’s Bike-A-Walk-A-Run-A-Scoot-A-Thon!

Secondary School Science Spectacular!

bwi-science-trip-mar-2013 (1)Years 4, 5 and 6 carried on from a superlative Science Week with a superb visit to the British West Indies Collegiate School.  Year 3 had been visited by two of their pupils during Science Week.

Head of Science, Mrs Nicola Haynes, welcomed the children and introduced them to Science at KS3 and 4.  The children had the opportunity to see what the fantastic laboratories at the school are like and carried out their own scientific investigation.

Using Bunsen burners for the very first time and a range of chemicals, the children learned the different coloured flames metals produce when burned. They also learned lots about the etiquette of working in a laboratory and even got to quiz a few A-level pupils on what it’s like to learn science at such a high level.

It was a spectacular scientific afternoon and Mrs Haynes was a wonderful science teacher!  Thank you for allowing us to visit.

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Years 2 – 6’s Science Fair – March 2013

This term and throughout Science  Week, children in all classes from Year 2 – 6 have been busy observing, experimenting and reflecting on all kinds of scientific knowledge. Now, through our Science Fair, it was the turn of our young scientists  to share their discoveries with their fellow students, parents and visitors!

In science, in addition to discovering a great deal of new information about a topic, children are encouraged to develop their science enquiry skills (the scientific method).  These skills underpin the essential processes required for carrying out investigations, drawing conclusions and forming scientific understanding.  The children were encouraged to communicate these skills through their Science Fair activities.

We hope that through watching this short movie,  you will  see how practical investigation and developing an understanding of scientific enquiry skills is a huge part of our science programme here at Provo Primary School.

If you fancy singing along to the background music as you watch, and learning more about elements of the scientific method, you can print out the lyrics here.  It’s such a catchy tune!

KS2 Gym Showcase – Balance Bonanza!

The parents in Key Stage Two were in for a fantastic treat this Thursday, the 14th of February.   Children from Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in a gymnastics presentation that was truly breath-taking!

The children had spent the last eight weeks working hard to create and perfect an individual gymnastic routine based on balance. They had to include at least ten balances, at different levels,  including simple, complex and yoga style moves. Their focus was primarily on how they could use their body to hold, balance and most importantly control their movements in these positions.

It was a big step-up from last year’s routines as the children all had to perform their routines individually this year. Moreover they had to include at least two challenges. These could be anything from forward rolls, high dives, cartwheels, handstands, headstands to backward and forward walkovers. The children had to select the challenges they felt most able to carry out independently in a routine.

On the day the children were absolutely amazing. They performed their routines showing off a huge range of skills and ability levels. They all performed to music and did so with grace, poise and a superb effort to control and really hold those balances!

Breaking News! Year 4 Bone Experts visit Hospital!

yr-4-hospital-feb-2013-2As part of our topic on Moving and Growing this term, children in Flamingo Class visited the hospital this week. After weeks of learning about how the skeletal and muscular systems work together, we were very excited to discover more from the doctors and nurses at the Cheshire Hall hospital.

Our experts explained how they treat patients with a variety of bone complaints – from healing fractures and dislocations to replacing whole joints! We learned about how X-Rays are used to see inside the body, so that doctors can decide how to treat their patients. The nurses were amazed at how well our young doctors could identify the broken bones shown in each X-Ray, even if they made us feel a bit squeamish! Brave volunteers were also needed to demonstrate some really bad broken bones, using the equipment that real doctors and nurses use to help them practise! Don’t worry when you see the gruesome pictures – we were all fine!

After learning such a lot from Nurse Sharon, we enjoyed lunch in the excellent hospital cafe. A cracking way to end the morning and recharge our brains!

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KS2 Gym and Handball PE Showcase

pe-showcase-feb-2013Thursday 14th Feb, 9:15 – 10:15am @ Graceway Sports Centre

All children in Key Stage 2 will be participating in our Spring Term PE Showcase next week.

Gymnastics showcase: This term, our gymnastics unit has focussed on balance and all presentations will exhibit an array of skills linked to this theme.  Children in Years 4, 5 & 6 will be presenting their routine individually this year!

Handball showcase mini-tournament: We are pleased to introduce this new sport to our PE curriculum this year. Children in Years 3 & 4 have been refining the skills required to play handball, from positioning and passing to travelling with the ball and shooting. Children have been divided into 4 teams for the mini-tournament.  Each team will participate in 3 games, following a round-robin league format.

The showcase will also be an opportunity to learn more about our second new sport that has been introduced to our PE curriculum this year – squash.

We look forward to seeing as many parents and supporters at the event as possible!


Looking Closely at the Skin on my Hand

yr-4-hand-poems-feb2013As part of their Science topic this term, Year Four students have been learning about skin.

In Literacy, with Miss Bonnie, they used jeweller’s loupes to look closely at their hands and created a poem while thinking about two focus questions: “What else does it look like?” and “What does it remind me of?”

Here are some examples of their thoughtful poems:



My Hand

Like a whirlpool whirling in the deep blue sea,

Curved lines like a zebra running in Africa,

A sunset lowering over the horizon,

A mountain looming in the distance,

A rope running down a mountain,

Waves crashing down onto a beautiful beach,

Water running down a river in Egypt,

A thin layer of snow lying on my fingertip,

An ice cream cone in a shop,

My hand, so many different patterns!

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Cotton Poetry

cotton-Yr-4-poems-feb-2013Cotton plants can be found growing wild on the roadside here in Providenciales.  They are remnants from a past cotton industry that once dominated North and Middle Caicos and Providenciales.

The Year Four students used jeweller’s loupes to examine a cotton boll and wrote poetry while thinking about two focus questions: “What else does it look like?” and “What does it remind me of?”

Here are a few of their poems:


My Wonderful Cotton

My wonderful cotton, like a big puffy cloud floating in the sky,

Delicious cotton candy waiting for me to eat it,

Snow as white as can be falling from the sky,

The leaves of my cotton like autumn just falling,

The boll as golden as a coin with patterns like a sponge,

I love my cotton and I hope you do too!

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Terrifically Tasty Tomatoes

tasty-tomatoes-feb-2013Tasty success for the Year 4 gardeners…patience, perseverance, lots of loving and watering has paid off!  Tomatoes galore have been growing and the excitement continues as a new batch are on their way. Snack time has never been so tasty, even for those that really didn’t like tomatoes  “…there is nothing like an organic school-grown tomato!” the children exclaim.

The delicious fruit, vegetables and herbs that have been growing in our garden has even been named –There’s… Larry, Ted, Moe and Crispy the tomatoes, and …Spike the pineapple, Mr Murphy beans, Doogal Parsley, Jivin Chive, Wean the cantaloupe, Rocco the dangerous cucumber and Zigby the banana tree to name a few of  many other culinary characters!

A big thank you to Catherine who has inspired us all with her patience and wonderful green fingers. She has been away for a few weeks but I’m sure she will be pleased to hear that we have been tending the garden well in her absence.

I wonder what we will be feasting on next!

Year 4 Tell us How to Carry out an Investigation

Year 4 Students become Bone-afied Scientists!

yr-4-bones-jan-2013It’s already been a busy start to the new term in Flamingo Class! After welcoming each other back and catching up after our holidays, we were all eager to start thinking about our new topic. And what a lot of thinking we’ve done!

Our science themed topic focusses on the skeletal and muscular systems, and how these work together to help us to move and grow. We have already learned many of the names of the bones in our bodies and have started to discuss what job these bones do.

We also conducted a large science experiement to develop some very important scientific skills needed to make discoveries. Check out the pictures of our excavation project to see how carefully we observed, classified and identified a selection of bones.


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Year 4 Beautiful by Nature Campaigners Head to the Beach!

As part of the National Trust’s Beautiful by Nature campaign, Flamingo Class headed to Long Bay beach to prove a point! The issue of pollution on beaches around Providenciales is something that we all felt strongly about, so we set about creating some protest photography to raise awareness on the subject.  Please take a few minutes to look at the photos of our trip and check out our amazing posters.   We think you’ll agree that there is a powerful message to our work!

Children participated in a beach clean-up and within minutes it was clear that we had more garbage than we needed for our project! After learning how to take clear and interesting photographs of our subject, children spread out to capture powerful images of the damage caused by beach pollution.

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Year 4’s Home Learning Projects are in!

After more than three weeks of careful thought, endless research and lots of hard work, pupils in Year 4 finally had the chance to present their home learning projects! As part of the Year 4 topic on ‘The Birth of America’ children were challenged to plan and produce a large project showing their independent learning that focused on one area of the subject.



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What a Guy!

What a Guy!

In preparation for the School Council’s Bonfire Night party at Bay Bistro, children in Years 2, 3 and 4 all had a busy day making a Guy Fawkes to put on the fire. After hearing the story of the Gunpowder Plot and learning about how Bonfire Night is celebrated in the United Kingdom, it seemed only right that our own Provo Bonfire should have real Guys!

Children in Year 2 worked together to make a huge, life-size guy by stuffing clothes with newspaper. In Year 4 children were challenged to develop their sewing skills and make a Guy typical Stewart clothing. Children from Year 3 joined the Year 4s and really did prove that “many hands make light work”! Some super cooperation and communication ensured that this difficult task was completed on time and in style. After a very busy day, both Guys looked fantastic!

Children from both classes were proud to parade their Guys at home time. Everyone was excited to see them sat on the Bonfire at the party!

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A Mural of the Great Plains!

As part of our new topic on The Birth of America, we set about creating a huge mural together.  This is our second big cooperative art project this term.

We wanted to create a landscape of the Great Plains to help us imagine this massive area of land.  Using lots of torn paper and glue, we had to organise ourselves into groups so that we could create this enormous collage.  Talking and sharing, agreeing and challenging, compromising and explaining – we did it all in order to complete the project in just over an hour!  We can’t wait to put our literacy writing and topic work all over it now!

Click read on to see more photos and keep an eye on Flamingo Class for more exciting projects throughout the term!

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Cooperative Art Projects in Flamingo Class!

What a start to the year it’s been in Year 4!

We have spent a lot of time during these first weeks getting to know each other!  We discussed the importance of helping each other out this year so that everyone can participate, learn and have fun in Flamingo Class.  In order to put our ideas into action, we set about creating pieces of art that required us to cooperate together and learn from each other.


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Owl Pellet Dissection Lesson

Year 4, 5 and 6 students had an opportunity to participate in an owl pellet dissection lesson using laboratory sterilized barn owl pellets. Owl pellets are neat little packages of mostly fur and bones that are regurgitated by an owl after it has finished digesting everything else. The students worked together to discover what the barn owls had been eating by dissecting their pellets. By carefully sorting and organizing the bones they found, students were able to reconstruct a skeleton of a rodent, in this case a vole. Thank you Miss Bonnie for providing such an interesting lesson.

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Flamingo Class Olympic Record Breakers!

As part of our theme week, Year 4 pupils set out to research World Records for some of the upcoming Olympic events. It was amazing to think that some of these records are nearly thirty years old! We discovered who still hold these records and where they are from. We wanted to see what these records really looked like, so we measured out the heights and distances. It was incredible to see how high or how far people had jumped, or how far people could throw! It seemed impossible! One pupil even claimed “he must have flown!” when looking at the Long Jump world record.

Of course, we wanted to set some records of our own! Check out our video blog to see how we got on!

Year 4’s World Ocean Day Maths Class

Our Year 4 Math group linked World Ocean Day to learning Maths facts today.

OCEAN FACT #1   Over ¾ of our planet is covered by oceans

Math fun facts:

~ As a percentage, ¾ is 75%
~ As a decimal, ¾ is 0.75
~ As money, 75 cents
~ As a fraction, ¾ can also be written as:  6/8,   9/12,   12/16,      15/20,   18/24,   21/28,   24/32,   27/36,   30/40 

We call these equivalent fractions.  This means that they are all worth the same value – even though they look different!

How did we find them?  We multiplied the top number (numerator) by two and then we did the same to the bottom number (denominator) and got 6/8.  Then we multiplied the numerator by three and did the same to the denominator and got 9/12.  We went on with this pattern 10 times.  Finally, we discovered that if we took the zero off 30/40 it is the same as ¾!

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World Premier of The Lorax @ the Flamingo Royale!

The Year 4 class nervously gathered outside the door of their Flamingo Classroom last week, peering in at a large crowd of children and parents. They had all gathered to watch the first ever performance of Dr Seuss’ The Lorax at Provo Primary School!  And what a performance it would be!  Only 3 weeks ago, the Year 4 pupils were challenged to learn and perform an entire musical, build a stage and find costumes.  No wonder they were so excited to see the huge audience that had gathered in their classroom to watch the World Premier of this wonderful story!  Intrigued and want to see a glimpse of the show?  Then click on ‘read more…’ see some amazing photos.

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Year 4 Field Trip: Conservation all around us!

Last week, as part of our Conservation and Preservation of the TCI topic, we were all excited to head off on an educational field trip to Chalk Sound.  Children had the opportunity to visit two areas of historical and environmental significance.

After the short walk up to the top of Sapodilla Hill, children were given a presentation by David Bowen on the historical significance of the rock carvings and the work that has been done to preserve the area.  The oldest carving had just celebrated its 245th birthday – dating back to May 10th 1767!  Children explored the rocks for themselves and recorded their findings.  We also tried to spot the difference between the original carvings and the modern graffiti. Unless there were dates to help us, it was surprisingly tricky!

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