G1-7 Sports’ Day 2009

Our Grade 1-7 Sports’ Day was a great success today and was packed full of  fun.  The children were full of energy, determined to do their best and displayed excellent teamwork and sportsmanship.  See the movie below for all the highlights.

[WINDOWSMEDIA http://www.provoprimaryblog.com/movies/sports-day-2009-highlights.wmv 425 350]

See more movies on each of the teams that took part:  Blue, Yellow, Green and Red… [Read more…]

"Inspired by aboriginal art" in Grade 3


Australian Aboriginal art is the oldest living art tradition in the world, with paintings in rock shelters dating back 20,000 years. The art includes naturalistic paintings of humans, plants and animal figures.

Aboriginal art involves story telling, myths, rituals, sorcery, and magic.  Artists describe their dreams, the stories of creation, their beliefs, and their spirituality.

Grade 3 have been creating their own artwork inspired by aboriginal designs. Click here to see the children hard at work!

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Spelling City


Looking for a fun educational site that can help children improve your child’s spelling skills. Miss Alison recommends that you check out Spelling City

This site:

– contains over 25,000 words, including plurals, contractions, future and past tenses
– uses a REAL human voice that says both the word and the word in a sentence
– has a ‘Teach Me’ function that spells out the word using both visual and auditory input to improve retention
– allows parents to enter and save their own spelling lists for their children
– lets children play games with their words or any saved lists
– enables parents to save and share their lists.

This is an American website so remember that our Grades will be one lower on this site – eg. Our Grade 1 is an American Kindergarten and our Grade 3 will be an American Grade 2.

Presently, this site is best viewed in Internet Explorer as it has some known issues with Firefox.

Private Eye Poetry


The children in Grades 3 – 6 have been writing poetry with Miss Bonnie, our visiting volunteer teacher from Canada. Click to read some of their poems and to learn more about the Private Eye program that she uses to help inspire the children to look closely at everyday objects around them and ask the question – “What is that like?”

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Grades 2 and 3 Visit the Environmental Centre


Today, Grades 2 and 3 visited the Environmental Centre in The Bight. We would like to say a big thank you to Mr. Brian Riggs, the curator, who showed us around the displays and talked to us about the different habitats that our animals and plants share with us. He also spoke to us about ways in which we can help to protect the environment.

See our slideshow

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Grade 3 Design a TCI National Costume for Children

The National Costume of the Turks and Caicos was designed by our Director of Culture, Mr. David Bowen. As a part of our Design Technology this term, the Grade 3s have been busy designing their own Turks and Caicos National Costume for children.


Read on to see more of their designs and to read the letters they wrote to Mr. Bowen in Literacy to try and persuade him to choose their ideas. You can also view our information sheets about the Lucayans, the first people of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

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Sports’ Day – Grades 1 – 6

Following on from the highly successful Kindergarten Sports’ Day, Grades 1 to 6 had their annual Sports’ Day at 4.00pm this afternoon. The children arrived at the Football Field wearing their team colours and competed against each other demonstrating a wide range of skills and a lot of stamina!

img_2431.jpg  img_24611.jpg

sportsdaybig_181.jpg  sportsdaybig_307.jpg 

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Grade 3 – Moving Monsters

At the end of last term, the Grade 3’s completed their Design Technology models of ‘Moving Monsters’. This unit focused on developing the children’s understanding of control through investigating simple pneumatic systems. We chose to make dragons as we had been reading lots of stories about dragons in our Literacy work. Click on the movie below to see one of our dragons in action.

[qt:/movies/g3dragon7310307.mov 320 256] See more photo in our slideshow

Want to see more of our dragon movies? Then click on and also learn about the pneumatic systems that help to control them.

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Can you Make a Chair out of Newspaper?

Whilst some of the children in Grades 3-5 were out of school competing in the Inter-Schools Athletics, the rest of the Grades 3-5 joined together to work on a fun problem solving activity. Supplied with only a small pile of newspapers and a roll of tape, they were set the challenge – ‘Can you design and make a chair that will support your weight?’


See a slideshow of us working on our project.

Take a closer look at the science behind this project and learn more about how we tackled this seemingly impossible structural task …
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More Book Buddies at Provo Primary School

Yesterday, the Grade 1 and 3 got together to share and read books together. The Grade 3s read popular picture books to the Grade 1s and in return, the Grade 1s read their reading books to them. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to our next reading buddy time.


Click here to see more pictures and to read comments that the children made…

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Grade 3s Light up when it's Time for Science!

In Science, the Grade 3s have been learning about ‘light and shadows’. We carried out an experiment to see how the position and length of a shadow, made by the sun, changes over the school day. Read on to find out what we discovered…


You can also view our finished King Tut block printing patterns and read our revolting recipes, inspired by the recipe for Boy Soup in Tony Blundell’s ‘Beware of Boys’
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Grade 3 Egyptian Patterns, Alliterations and Prints

This past couple of weeks in ICT, the Grade 3s have been learning to develop images in the graphics program, Adobe Photoshop. We have looked at some examples of Pop Art by the artist Andy Warhol. These have inspired us to create our own work, using an image of the Egyptian Pharaoh, King Tut. In Art, we have also been making King Tut block prints and in Literacy have written instructions on how to make them. We have also been improving our dictionary skills, and we used these to help us to find interesting vocabulary to help us create an Egyptian alliteration poem.


We have been busy! Read on to see more of our ‘Pop Art’, to read our poem and to learn how to do block printing…

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Grade 3 Rainforest Art

Have a look at our amazing rainforest artwork! Click below to see more of our paintings and to learn how we created them…


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Multiplication Patterns

In Grade 3 we are learning our multiplication tables. We found patterns in each of the tables and created posters to show them. Read on to learn more…


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Rainforest Music and Numeracy Investigations!

The Grade 3’s have started a topic on Tropical Rainforests. In music, we composed our own piece of music called ‘Voices of the Rainforest’. We thought of the different animals that we might hear and used percussion instruments for their voices.

Click here if you would like to hear us performing our voices-of-the-rainforest.mp3

Look at the photo above and see if you can hear the different instruments we are playing.

We have also been exploring area and perimeter in Numeracy and would like to share some of our investigations with you and link you to a few great websites that we have enjoyed.

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Grade 3 rocks in all kinds of weather!

Grade 3 have been busy studying rocks in Science, and Weather in Art and Social Studies.


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Grade 3 Similes

The Grade 3’s have been as buzy as bees and are as proud as peacocks to share with you their latest work on similes!


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Grade 1 – 6 Newsletters

Here are copies of the September Newsletters for Grades 1 to 6.






Pre-school to Kindergarten Newsletters are on their way soon.