Year 3 Shop till they Drop!

The Year 3 Dolphins had a wonderful IGA shopping experience they will never forget. Not only did they get to practise their ‘estimating weight’ skills – “Does this coffee jar really weigh that!” exclaimed Will, they also got the opportunity to do their own shopping. Their generous and trusting parents gave each child a shopping list from which the children had to –
* find the product in the store
* round up the price to the nearest dollar
* estimate the total cost of their shop
* pay for the goods
* and of course check the change!
Some parents wrote some really tricky shopping lists!

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The Forecast is Fantástico for the Dolphin Class

The Dolphin Class turned into real life weather reporters in Spanish lessons recently.  In connection with their learning on the topic of weather with Miss Mani, they watched real Spanish and Central/Latin American weather reports. Then, they learned how to report the weather in different parts of the world for themselves. 

First, the children chose the continent on which they wanted to focus their report – Europe, North America or Latin America.  Next, they decided which cities they wanted to report on, and learned where they were, in order to make their weather reports slick and professional, just like the real thing.  I think you’ll agree that they did just that when you watch their superb video. Excelente!

KS2 Athletics Sports Day 2011

As a culmination of all the events in our Keeping Healthy week, Years 3-6 set off for Sports Day at the Athletics track! All children competed in teams, collecting the greatest score possible for their groups by either running, jumping or throwing for victory! After developing our Athletics skills throughout the past 6 weeks, the children were able to show off their newly acquired skills in the hurdles, long jump, triple jump, discus, javelin, and shot put.

Sports Day created a very different atmosphere to our normal PE sessions. Due to increased levels of concentration, the pressure of a large audience (thank you parents for supporting your children so brilliantly!) or the excitement of the competition, every child produced some excellent performances! All of the teachers were delighted to hear about all the Personal Best records that were beaten in each event. It seemed like every child was achieving great things and celebrating their individual successes!
So, a huge congratulations to every child who participated with such wonderful spirit and enthusiasm. Our Sports Day was jammed full of great sportsmanship and plenty of the ‘Olympic Spirit’ that we had spoken about before the event. It was the perfect way to round off our keeping Healthy week. Click read more to see some more photo of the children in action,both in practice sessions and in Sports Day.

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Get into ‘Shape’ with the Dolphin Class!

Quadrilaterals? Vertices? Parallel lines? Lines of symmetry and how many sides? These were all facts that were being discovered while the Year 3 Dolphins were painting irregular shapes… ‘Kandinsky style’.

During a paper folding shape-making activity, they not only used their new shape vocabulary to describe the shape they made, but also showed how well they could work together – researching, listening, sticking, creating –  producing one whole new shape, by placing their shapes together…confused?  Best read on and check out the photos to appreciate their newly created polygons. Fabulous work Dolphins what a colourful and creative week we have had!

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Achieving Personal Bests in KS2 Athletics

In KS2 (Years 3 – 6), our Athletics P.E. programme aims to provide enjoyable and stimulating activities and challenges based on the core actions of walking, running, jumping and throwing.

Children are encouraged to set and achieve goals for the improvement of personal or team performances. Each session, the children record their results  in their ‘Personal Best Record Booklet’.  They enjoy seeing how they are improving and it adds a positive competitive element that encourages them to develop an interest in further developing their skills. These booklets have been a big hit and they are really helping to boost each child’s self-esteem.  Ask your child to share their personal record with you and see how they are improving.

We would like to thank parent volunteers, Haley and Katrina, for capturing these athletics moments for us to share with you.   Look out for future photos of our hurdles, triple jump, discus and relay sessions and we look forward to seeing you at our KS2 Sports Day on Friday 21st October – 9:15- 10:45am at the National Stadium Athletics Track.

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“What else does it look like?” and “What else does it remind me of?”

The Year 3 children used jeweler’s loupes to look closely at rocks, shells and flowers.  Miss Bonnie asked two questions “What else does it look like?” and “What else does it remind you of?” Here are the descriptive poems that Alex, Emilio, Ali and Jamie went on to create…

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Year 3’s Mystery Tour of Provo

Ship Ahoy! All aboard for Year 3’s Magical Mystery Pirate Tour of Provo.  Setting sail in search of local treasures, it certainly was an adventure as they discovered hidden caves, historic ruins, delicious local food and modern-day treats.  Captain Mani was pleased to report that none of our Year 3 Pirates were made to ‘Walk the Plank!’  However, there was talk of mutiny amongst some of the motley crew, threatening that if she made them wear their pirate hats and pose for yet another photograph one more time, Captain Mani herself would most definitely have to ‘walk the plank!’  Click on to read Captain Mani’s recount of the mystery tour and to see lots of photos of the pirate’s adventure – and those pirate hats of course!

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Many, Many Years Ago in Ancient Greece…

Years 4 and 5 wrote their own myths and kindly invited Year 3 to share the reading of them. Year 3 were so impressed with their stories that were full of magical events, scary slimy creatures, impossible tasks and brave heroes, that they were inspired to also write their own myths.  Year 3 would like to pass on a big thank you to Years 4/5.  They would also like to return the invite and have more fun shared reading next week – this time with their myths.

Christmas Problem Solving

Our Year 6 and Year 4 level Math groups got together this week to work on some Christmas problem solving.  The Year 6 took on the role of teachers, supporting the Year 4s.  They prepared their lessons carefully, thinking through how they would help and encourage their partners to work through each problem, logically and methodically, using a range of strategies.  Everyone enjoyed the experience and the room was a buzz of activity.

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Year 3 Appreciate Learning Together with Community Visitors

Well, what a super term Year 3 have had so far. Lots of kind, wonderful and talented people from our community have been willing to come and share their skills, interests and experiences with them.  The visits by each of these special people have helped highlight to the children how lucky they ‘really’ are.  Year 3 would like to say a ‘big thank you to all of the volunteers; they have helped to make their learning so much more memorable, meaningful and real!  And of course not to forget how super Year 3 have been at listening, questioning, discussing and learning, and making their special visitors feel welcome and appreciated. So who has come in and what talents did they bring…

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Year 3-5 Little Water Cay Field Trip

On Monday, Years 3, 4 and 5 excitedly headed down to Big Blue Dock to meet Chris, Laura and Ben, our ‘Big Blue’ happy tour guides and boat captain, for our much awaited summer field trip!  After being fitted with fins, life jackets, and after a formal introduction to the boat and water safety, we set sail for Little Water Cay.  The signs were there that we were going to have a remarkable day as we saw a little sting ray before we had even left the dock!

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All Aboard-Yr 3/4 Explore a Visiting a Naval Ship

Three ships from the Dominican Republic Navy made an official visit to the island on Monday June 14 for three days.   The vessels were crewed by more than 40 sailors.   Year 3/4 accepted an invitation from the Dominican Republic Naval fleet and headed to the Turtle Cove Marina for an exciting tour of one of their ships.   The children were escorted around the boat by naval officers who kindly answered all their questions.

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Ancient Greek Day

Last term ,Year3/4 celebrated the end of their Ancient Greek topic by having an Ancient Greek day.  The children came to school dressed in Greek clothes and really looked the part!  All of Year 3/4 would like to say a BIG thanks to parents who contributed to their Greek Feast!  The day was a huge success!

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TCI Times – Year 3/4's Fairy Tale Newspapers

Year 3/4 has been working exceptionally hard during their Literacy lessons to learn how to become journalists!

After studying a variety of local newspapers and  identifying their key features, the class split into pairs and chose a fairy tale or story of their choice to write a report about.  Some chose Little Red Riding Hood, Matilda, Cinderella or Snow White. Each pair was given the task of reporting the story from a different perspective.

The children impressed their editor so much that all the children’s reports made the front page!  This of course meant the children had extra work and had to prepare headlines, photographs with captions and even create appropriate adverts!

If you would like to read the children’s front page stories they are in the Library and Miss Steph’s classroom…

Year 3 – 7 Sports Day 2009


Our Year 3 to 7 Sports’ Day was a huge success today with children demonstrating a range of athletic track and field skills, great sportsmanship and team work. From javelin and long jump to hurdles, sprints and relay races, all the children tried their individual best and had lots of fun. Thank you everyone who helped organize the event and to all of you who were able to attend.

Year 3/4’s Collaborative Art


During our first week back at school children in Years 3/4 were thrown into the deep end and challenged to complete a Collaborative Art Project. They were asked to fill a display board by recreating an ocean scene.

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Year 3 and 4 were very lucky last week to have Brian and Natasha come to talk to them and answer their many questions about sea turtles that live around The Turks and Caicos Islands.

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Monkey Graduates Grade 3!


Monkey came to us from the Amazon rainforest.  He has been with the Grade 3 children for two years and is a much loved and cherished member of the class.  Last year in Grade 2, he learnt to read and to do multiplication and this year  in Grade 3, he has learnt lots about writing stories and fractions.  He completed all his end of year SATs – scoring well above average for monkeys his age!  He had a glowing report, although he sometimes ‘monkeys around‘ in class and will need to work on this!  He has successfully graduated Grade 3 and will be moving on up with the class into Grade 4 in September.  Congratulations Monkey!  He is especially looking forward to learning the steel drums with his new teacher, Miss Helen.  Monkey works very hard during the school day, but after school and at the weekends when we are not about, he swings in the trees, eats bananas and plays with all the toys!  See a slideshow of photos, taken mainly by some of the Grade 3s, of all the things that he gets up to when we’re not at school.   Maybe next year he will have a new friend to play with.  Miss Mani has thoroughly enjoyed having Monkey in her class and there is a rumor going around that there may be a new animal joining the Grade 3 class next year!  I wonder what it will be?

Grade 3 Moving Monsters

In Design and Technology Grade 3 explored how to make things move by using ‘pneumatics’ – a force that makes things move by using air.

They decided to design and make monsters with “pneumatic jaws”.  Watch out they may come and bite YOU!

Earth Day Tree Growing Well

cheshire-hall-june-2009Our Grade 3 class visited Cheshire Hall today.  Cheshire Hall is a 200 year old Cotton Plantation. It is a  historic site and the ruins are looked after by the National Trust.  The Grade 3’s have been studying the cotton industry as part of their TCI Social Studies curriculum and visiting the site really brought the topic alive.

Whilst at the ruins, the children took the opportunity to check up on the tree that we planted on Earth Day.  They report that our Jamaican Caper is doing well!

Grade 3 ICT Repeating Patterns


The Grade 3’s have been looking at patterns and how they are made.  In art they designed their own patterns; then made a block print from it.  They repeated and rotated their patterns.  They also designed some patterns using their ICT skills; they found the computer much quicker and easier to produce a design.

They used their design pattern to dress their models.  Take a closer look at their designs and patterns in a slideshow of their models.  Would you buy their designs?  Do you think they are trendy?

In order to develop their skills further, Mrs. Krys, a graphics designer, has volunteered to come in to help the children to create designs using Adobe Photoshop.  We look forward to seeing how they get on.

Grade 3 Design a 'Fair Test' Science Experiment


The Grade 3’s have designed a Science experiment to see which surface material will make a plasticine ball ‘splat’ the most.  After making their predictions, they set off in pairs to see if they could set up a ‘fair test’ using the equipment they were given.  To insure that their experiment was a fair test, they knew that they must change only one factor at a time while keeping all other conditions the same.

Scientists call the changing factors in an experiment variables.  The different surface materials needed to be the only changing variable, everything else needed to stay the same.

Click on to see the children working on their experiments…

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3rd Place Red Cross Poster Winner


Congratulations to our Grade 3 winner in the recent Red Cross’ National poster competition.  The poster competition was judged by art professionals, independent of the TCI Red Cross.  Entries were judged based on the theme “Power of Humanity/People Helping People”.

Grade 3s Measuring in Science and Numeracy


The Grade 3s have been testing and measuring the strength of magnets in Science.  They had to think of a way of making the tests fair by looking at the variables closely.  They decided which variables they needed to change, and which variables needed to be kept the same?  They did some individual and group recording of their experiments.  Click here to have a go at an interactive online magnet experiment.

g3-capacity-08-04-09In Numeracy they have been looking at capacity.  To practise their measuring skills they estimated what each container would hold, then they used the measuring equipment to help them to read millilitres and litres as accurately as possible. They did really well and it was lots of fun to explore this topic through practically exploration.

Can We Change Places? Exploring Sculptures


Grade 3 looked at how they could enhance the outdoor environment by creating sculptures. After researching into different types of sculptures they worked collaboratively in groups working on their own designs. There was lots of discussion as to how they could incorporate everyone’s ideas and lots of problem solving going on. Each sculpture was very different and the ability to listen, work and co-operate with each other made each one a huge success. They were so proud of their achievements that some of the children even organised ‘sculpture tours’ so that other children in the school could experience and appreciate them to their potential. Well done Grade 3 for designing and making such wonderful interactive creations!  Click on to see more photos of the sculptures being made and the final pieces.

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