Return to the Dark Side!

Our Hummingbird class has been learning about light and dark during our topic work.

We started off by exploring what is a natural source of light and what is a ‘man-made’ source of light. We brought our learning outside to draw around our own shadows and investigate how our shadows seem to ‘move’ even though we are standing in the same spot, at different times during the day!

Read on to find out more about our shadow show, firework poetry and science work. There are lots of photos of us busy exploring!

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Hummingbird Class have been Learning about their Bodies

In our Science lessons Hummingbird class have been doing a variety of activities to help us to learn about our bodies. We have been taking our learning outside to draw around our friends and label the organs we have inside our bodies together. We are also learning about the functions of our main organs, starting with the lungs. We are looking forward to discovering more information about our muscles and our heart in the next few weeks!

We have also been looking at faces in our Art lessons.  We used mirrors to look closely at our faces.  We drew portraits in pencil and then used water-colours to paint them.  We mixed the colours to create the tones and shades that matched our features.  Read on to see photos of us at work.

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Successful Super Splash Swimming

Living in an island environment, we feel that confidence in water – and ultimately the ability to swim – is an essential life skill.  This term we have offered a seven week swimming programme to all our Years 1 and 2 children and to four Year 3-6 children who were non-swimmers.

The teachers have been so impressed with the amazing advancements that have been made.   Every single child has moved forward and made great progress in this short time. Water confidence skills have developed, strokes have been improved, dives have been learned and breathing techniques have been mastered. Mermaids, mermen and future Olympic events BEWARE!  See more photos…

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Year 2 Colour Poems

In poetry with Miss Bonnie, our Year 2 children discussed colours and thought about how a colour looked, sounded, felt, smelled and tasted.   Here are a few of the original poems they went on to create…

Pink by Mae

Pink is the colour of my brain that makes me think,

It reminds me of glowing love and peace,

Pink sounds like oinking pigs rolling in mud,

It feels like crawling starfish on my feet,

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The Best Things Come to those Who Weight!

Last week, the Year 1/2 class carried out an experiment which involved a big bucket of water, playdough boats and golden pebbles. The children were investigating how changing the shape of a material that sinks in water can help it to float.

The children were each given a ball of playdough, which when they first put in the water, sank straight to the bottom of the bucket. They came up with the idea of molding the playdough into a boat shape, which they discovered allowed the playdough to float. Once it was in the water, they tested to see how many golden pebbles it could hold before it sank.

Click below to see more photos of the children experimenting, to see what they learned and how many pebble weights their boats could carry.

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Year 2’s Traditional Tales

Recently, Year 2 have learned all about traditional tales and have even written some of their own. The children really enjoyed reading and listening to the traditional tales and particularly enjoyed going on a hunt to find more traditional stories on their own. The children loved it when they found examples of traditional stories in their own home, or in the school library.

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Year 2 – Plant Field Trip

Year 2 have been really busy in Science this half term looking at ‘Plants and Animals in the Local Environment’ .

They were very lucky to be invited to the Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort to explore the many plants they have in their garden nursery and throughout the resort.

Did you know that the resort recycles all their used water and uses it to water the plants on the Resort? Did you know that a banana tree only flowers and grows bananas once?

The trip provided an opportunity to compare the vegetation at the resort, which is very much landscaped and irrigated, with the predomintely native bush that we have in our playground.

What a fabulous morning it was… A BIG thank you to ‘Beaches Turks and Caicos’, the children really learned a lot!

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Yr 2 – What is Sculpture?

Year 2 have been developing their understanding of shape, form and texture as they learned about sculptures. They started the topic looking at the work of Bell, Rhodes, Eggmore and Goldsworthy and were inspired! They decided to sketch one of their favourite yoga stretches and base their sculpture on this pose.  Can you identify the pose of the blue sculpture in the photo?

First the children used wire to create the form, and then they used lovely messy mud-roc to bring the form to life. Finally, they painted their sculptures in beautiful bright colours and added lots of sparkly bits!

Their intention was to brighten up our new outdoor garden with their calm, yet colourful creations which they most certainly did. A big thank you to the parents that came to view and celebrate these gorgeous creations – we hope you enjoyed the ice-cream too!

Year 2’s Outdoor Adventurous Activities

Outdoor Adventurous Activities is a unit of study that is part of our PE curriculum. In this unit, children take part in simple orientation activities using maps and diagrams. They are set physical challenges and problems to solve, and work on their own and in small groups.  An important part of the learning is to observe what they and others have done and use their observations to improve their performance.

At the end the unit, Year 2 children invited their mums and dads to come and find some treasure!  The children worked on developing their instruction, thinking and movement skills while they created their own trails and maps for their parents to follow.  The children watched carefully to see if the parents worked collaboratively, listening and helping each other in their groups, just as they had needed to do when they created the Treasure Trails.

Super work was achieved and it was lots of fun had too. Oh, and parents… the children said you worked successfully together, using great collaborative skills.  Well done, we hope you enjoyed the treasure you all found, too.

Year 2 show us how they work out 220 – 70

Year 2 have been working out some challenging subtraction number sentences in Numeracy today.  They involved subtracting a two-digit tens number from a three-digit tens number, crossing the hundreds barrier!  We teach children to use mental methods when appropriate but when faced with a calculation that they cannot do in their heads, they are encouraged to use an efficient written method.  How would you work out 220 – 70?  What strategies would you use to help you?

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Celebrating Successes

One of the many highlights of my job as principal is when there’s a knock at my door, and some smiley faces appear, eager to share with me the outstanding work they’ve been doing in class.

Today, it was these two boys who had worked really well together in their Year 2 Numeracy class.  They excitedly shared how they had created their own two-digit addition sentences by playing a card game and showed me the strategy they used to find their answers.   They then went on to check their answers on a calculator and were pleased to announce that their brains were quicker than it!

At the end, I got the opportunity to share a new strategy for them to take back to share with their class and off they went.

I wonder who will be knocking on my door tomorrow, allowing me to share in their learning and celebrating their successes?

Mother Nature's Beautiful Patterns


Year 2 have been looking at patterns in ‘mother nature’. Take a look at a slideshow of their pencil, computer and printed patterns.

First they went on an adventure walk down to “Flamingo Pond”.  There they collected lots of natural materials.

Using magnifying glasses they looked carefully at the patterns that they found in the collected natural materials. They learned how to use pencils in different ways and copied some of the patterns they could see.

Later, they used these patterns to test their ‘control’ skills on the computer and re-created their original natural designs using the different tools in the ‘Paint’ program.

After this they cut an orange in half and looked carefully at the beautiful natural design inside (Then they ate it…yummy!!!)  Again, using their new found pencil skills they made a template of the patterns that they found and used the template to create a print, (Cor!  This bit was really exciting!)

Finally, they used all of their studies and produced a ‘mother nature’ collage.  We think they turned out great… who would have thought there were so many patterns in all the natural things around us!

Year 2's Delicious Fruit Smoothies


Year 2 made some delicious healthy fruit smoothies as part of our  ‘Be Active’ Week.
Everyone had a turn at preparing the fruit and choosing what they would like in their own special smoothie recipe.  They used the juicer to make it and then enjoyed drinking it down. Can you spot the smoothie moustache!

Thank you Jo for coming in and making these together with the children. Great fun and a super way to encourage healthy eating habits!

Ring, Ring… the Telephone keeps ringing in Year 2!


Look out!  The school telephone bill will be very high this month!

During this Literacy lesson the children were asked to express a ‘point of view’ while having a conversation on the phone. As well as putting their thoughts across they had to also listen carefully to what their partner was saying; beginning to learn the essential elements in the art of conversation, thinking and taking account of what others say. Well done Year 2 – this sure looked like a fun lesson!

Grade 2 Colour Poems



Red is a beautiful rose
Red is the colour of a juicy tomato
Red is the colour of a beating heart
Red is wrapping paper that keeps my feelings in
Red is a juicy cherry
Red is the background of my life.


Yellow is the colour of a sweet banana
Yellow is a dandelion
Yellow is stars in the night sky
Yellow makes me shine.


Pink is the colour of an amazing flower
Pink is the colour of my favourite T-shirt
Pink is the colour of a beautiful flamingo flying
Pink is a beautiful fish in the coral reef
Pink is the colour of my favourite book
Pink is my favourite cake icing
Pink is the colour of my favourite pencil
Pink is the colour of my moms lipstick
Pink is the colour inside me.

Portraits of our Leaders in the TCI


All of our classes study aspects of the Turks and Caicos Islands (T.C.I) as part of their Social Studies Curriculum. The Grade 2 class did some research about our past and present leaders. They created portraits of each leader using recycled material. These are displayed in the classroom in chronological order. Take a closer look at our leaders on our slideshow.  The music playing is our National Song – ‘This Land of Ours’ written and composed by Reverend Dr. Conrad Howell. Click on to read the words to this song.

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Swimming Lessons Start

Swimming lessons for our Kindergarten, Grade One and Two children started last week with great success. The aim of the first session was to assess the children’s confidence, water skills and swimming ability. All the teachers were thoroughly impressed with the children’s efforts and are now ready to further develop the children’s skills in the following weeks. A big thank you to the Turks and Caicos Yacht Club for allowing us to use their beautiful pools. They are perfect for teaching swimming at this level. Also to Carolyn for taking all the photos so that we can all see our children learning this important life skill. Parents, please email the school if you would like the password for the movie above.

Reading Buddies have fun!

buddy-reading-29-05-09Buddy Reading is a fun way to enjoy reading.  Today, our 2nd Graders read together with our Kindergartners.  Reading to the younger children gave the Grade 2s a real sense of pride as they modeled their good reading skills.

The Kindergartners liked being with the older children and enjoyed listening to the stories that they chose to share.

Our Grade 1 and 5 classes regularly buddy read together.  The Grade 5s read to the Grade 1s and vice-versa.  Over the year, they have become familiar with one another and this has helped nurture a mutual enjoyment of reading.   Buddy reading  helps promote the development of reading skills, builds fluency and the children’s self esteem blossoms as they become more positive about their ability to read.

Grade 2 Science Classification Keys


In Grade 2 Science lessons this term, the children have been learning about variation of plants and animals.  They have organised them in groups according to their similarities, differences and unique characteristics.  The children have done a fantastic job in creating their own classification keys about different animals.  They answered questions about each of their animals using their keys.  The animals were made using paper art.

G1-7 Sports’ Day 2009

Our Grade 1-7 Sports’ Day was a great success today and was packed full of  fun.  The children were full of energy, determined to do their best and displayed excellent teamwork and sportsmanship.  See the movie below for all the highlights.


See more movies on each of the teams that took part:  Blue, Yellow, Green and Red… [Read more…]

Grade 2 Wheeled Webkinz Vehicles

Webkinz have been all the craze in Grade 2, so when we started thinking about our Design Technology project this term on wheeled vehicles, we decided to design and make a vehicle for our Webkinz! Take a look at our slideshow to see all of our wonderful creations – talk about traveling in style! The vehicle above has a ladder up to the extra roof seating and even a GPS to guide them on their journey. What fun we had making them and what a variety of models.

Celebrating Academic Success

As we head towards the end of another school year, we would like to share with you some scores and statistics from our recent tests.

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Grade 2 Visit Skybase at Providenciales Airport

The Grade 2 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Skybase at Providenciales Airport. Captain Donny Click took us on a guided tour and showed us the hanger, a small plane and a helicopter.

See our slideshow and click below to learn more about our experience.

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Grades 1 and 2 Visit the Conch Farm


At the end of last term, Grades 1 and 2 enjoyed a great trip to the Turks and Caicos Conch Farm – the only one in the whole world! Danver gave us a super tour and we learned all about the life cycle of the conch. It was fun to meet Sally and Jerry, the resident wild conch. We also enjoyed singing the song ‘Dry Conch’. Listen to the song as you see photos of our trip. Thanks again to all the parents who helped out with transport. So much to see and learn – I think we all learned something new!

conch-farm-link-130308.jpg Click the conch farm image to visit their website. Find out more about conch and plan your own trip to the farm. Grades 1 and 2 highly recommend that you take a visit!

In the Style of Vincent Van Gogh


In Grade 2, we have enjoyed looking at some of Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings. He used vivid colours and wild brush strokes to express how he was feeling when he painted. This term, different people have helped us to use pastels, paint and computer software to create our own pictures in the style of Van Gogh. Take a look at our slideshows to see our work.

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