
What a wonderful start to the new term for our Year 1 home learners.
Take a glimpse of some of their online home learning activities from last week.
Lots of hands-on learning away from school.
A unique Primary School, offering a British based, child centred education in the Turks and Caicos Islands
What a wonderful start to the new term for our Year 1 home learners.
Take a glimpse of some of their online home learning activities from last week.
Lots of hands-on learning away from school.
This half term in Y1 we have started our new topic “Celebrations”. This topic will help our Y1’s to have a solid understanding of the meaning, characteristics and purpose of different celebrations around the world.
Last week, we learned about the Hindu celebration of light “Diwali”. Y1’s explored the story of “Rama and Sita” and put on a puppet show to display their retelling skills and to show off their inventiveness. There were many fantastic home- made and hand – made lollipop stick puppets to represent each character from the story!
[Read more…]These Year 1’s are confidently demonstrating how they are able to compare numbers using the < > and = symbols. Well done home-learners!
EL MARAVILLOSO MUNDO DE LOS COLORES During our Spanish lessons we have been listening to songs, meeting little colourful “visitors” and playing guessing games while we learn LOS COLORES. This week we decided to go hands on, leaving the screen aside for a bit and making this BEAUTIFUL AND CREATIVE drawings. Good job little Picasso’s.
Year 1 read the book – ‘Bubble Gum Brain’ by Julia Cook and learned all about the Power of YET!
Do you have a bubble gum OR a brick brain when you approach something challenging? FIND OUT! It’s all about your mindset. This creative story teaches us the valuable lesson that ‘becoming’ is better than ‘being’, which can open the door to a whole new world of possibilities!
[Read more…]More wonderful photos and videos of our Year 1 Maths Home Learning parent/child/teacher teams. Lots of hand-on activities centred on equal groups, arrays and repeated addition… with home-made playdough and every day things you find around the house. What great learning we can see in the photos with parents modelling concepts and language in these 1-1 learning opportunities. The videos show some amazing parent teachers in action, patiently allowing time for their children to demonstrate their learning and encouraging them to explain their understanding as they engage.
We have been exploring money in Year 1 and our little mathematicians have been fantastic, immersing themselves in money hunts, money races and designing and creating money flip books. They have recognised and identified pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters and began to understand the value of each coin through their engagement with practical explorations. They have also been counting crazy in 5s and 10s to strengthen their counting abilities.
I have to to thank parents for your hands-on and one-to-one support with your children. You have scaffolded and shaped their knowledge and understanding and allowed to them to access new learning from your own home. Thank you! I am super proud of my Y1 money masters and how hands-on they were for this unit.
This week families have nominated all the teachers to receive ‘Stars of the Week’ certificates as part of our virtual Primary School Celebration Assembly. What a wonderful way to end an usual spring term of learning.
Teachers have done an amazing job adjusting to distant learning through our Home Learning Programme and happy students sharing their love and appreciation for them is heartwarming to see. Thank you everyone for all your photos and videos.
If it’s ever been true that it takes a village to raise a child, this is a moment for that village to come together, and Provo Primary and Middle School’s teachers and parents have certainly been a great team and led the way. School may be closed but our student’s brains have been open for business as usual!
After a successful week of distant learning through our Home Learning Programme, of course we had to end the week with our usual primary school ‘Celebration Assembly’. Congratulations to all our students, parents and teachers – through your great teamwork and hard work, learning has continued to flourish at Provo Primary School. It was lovely to celebrate this virtually, imagining we were on the school field as usual. Thank you everyone for all your participation and for doing the best you can.
In our SK-Year 2 assembly last week, we learnt all about GERMS! We learnt how they are so small that you can’t see them especially when you sneeze or cough.
Miss Helen unfortunately wasn’t feeling well and sneezed into her hand – before you knew the germs (green paint!) had spread all around the class; onto water bottles, the whiteboard and even the children! All because Miss Helen didn’t wash her hands! As you can see from our green hands, the germs spread quickly.
We discussed washing our hands before eating, after using the bathroom, when we’ve played outside etc, making sure to use soap and washing all over including in between our fingers. Keep washing those hands!
Here’s a video all about germs you might like to watch at home to reinforce your child’s learning!
What an exciting start to the New Year in the Dolphin classroom. Year 1’s have been learning, exploring and investigating minibeasts and more in this terms topic. So far, our entomology lab In our role play corner has been bustling with all our classroom scientists observing different insects – many home to the island of Providenciales and some from afar. It’s been bug hunts and bug hotel building and our Year 1s have been enjoying digging deep into their learning.
Take a look at some of our Year 1’s enjoying their first tennis lesson this week. They practiced skill games strengthening their hand eye co-ordination and ball control in preparation for some fun tennis games in the coming weeks.
We are all looking forward to exploring this topic further this term. Now that our minds and bodies are rested and refreshed after the Christmas holidays – let’s get back to learning!
Provo Primary’s talented Kindergarten, Year 1 and 2 astounded their audience with their amazing holiday productions, Elf Olympics.
Congratulations to all the children for a wonderful performance!
Here’s a short movie of photos and video highlights (photos by Chrystel Kendrew).
This half term Year 1 have put their party hats on and started learning about many of the festivities and celebrations that take place around the globe. Our Year 1s are having a bundle of fun in our role play corner that has been set up to celebrate the Hindu festival of Diwali this week. We have been mindfully creating Rangoli patterns and carefully writing party invitations in Literacy to celebrate the festival of light and prosperity.
We are googly about googly eyed learning in Year 1.
Would you believe that you can use googly eyes for more than just googly eyed faces? This week, Year 1 discovered that you can do maths (!!!) using these jiggly critters!
After becoming pretty successful at addition and subtraction equations, Year 1 upped their game and began to look at multiplication! We first began rote counting in 10s, then realising we were pretty good at that, progressed to 5s then after that we rocketed to counting in 2s! Now, when it came to solving multiplication equations and word problems, we discovered that googly eyes come in pairs…what better resource is there to help us work out two times table questions?
[Read more…]
Last week, Year 1 and Year 2 were lucky enough to be surprised by community Superhero, Dr Jo. She gave us an amazing insight into what it takes to be a Superhero Doctor. Would you believe that this week, we had another surprise Community Superhero come to Provo Primary School?! Firefighter Gula arrived in his Fire engine to talk to us about how he serves the community, along with other men and women, as a member of the Turks and Caicos Fire and Rescue Service.
Year 1 and Year 2 were truly in awe after meeting a real – life superhero. From the clues, can you guess who we might have met? They defeat germs and sickness, they take care of people, wear scrubs as their superhero costume and have lots of different tools to help people feel better. Have you guessed it? That’s right… Enter superhero – Dr. Jo!
We had a fantastic morning learning all about what makes Dr. Jo such a superhero. She explained what her day to day job is and how she must carefully examine her patients before deciding the best way to take care of them and defeat those horrible germs. Dr Jo showed us some of her tools she uses to examine patients – stethoscopes, thermometers, drips, blood pressure monitors, x – rays and bandages. As you can see Year 1 and Year 2 loved discovering and using all her tools.
Thank you, Dr. Jo, for a brilliant morning! We all had a wonderful time and loved hearing how super you are! [Read more…]
It’s all about Superheroes in Y1 and Y2 at Provo Primary School this term and we are flying into it faster than Superman!
This week, Year 1 were looking at Numicon as part of their math lesson, when we made a startling discovery! Their shapes could be put together to look a lot like the superhero city landscape setting in our Superheroes Headquarters. Well, you can guess what happened next…we got very excited and created a whole class landscape using all the numicon we had! It was pretty large (see the pictures!). And it didn’t end there…
This week, the Year 1s had a lovely surprise when the Year 6s invited them to listen to their Christmas stories. Year 6 had worked hard researching, planning, writing, editing, publishing and illustrating their very own Christmas stories and the Year 1 class were a willing audience.
In pairs, the Year 6s patiently read their stories to the Year 1s who enjoyed hearing all about the adventures of elves, reindeer, Santa and his sleigh. Despite it being a little after Christmas, the stories sparked lots of conversations about the lovely holiday season the children had all had.
We look forward to lots more joint year group activities as the year goes on!
Thank you Mr Jason and the Year 6s!
As part of our Celebrations topics, Year 1 and 2 have so far enjoyed learning about Halloween, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and Diwali.
In the lead up to November 5th (Remember, remember the 5thof November…), the Year 1 children became aware that there were a number of safety concerns that should be considered before enjoying the annual celebrations at Bay Bistro. Working independently and in pairs, Hummingbird class took the time to make safety posters, detailing things to be avoided, what to look out for and how to look after yourself in the dark environment. The year 1’s enjoyed making BOLD titles, using number bullet points, bright colours and pictures to make their posters easy to read and accessible to all ages.
Year 1 were thrilled to receive a special thank you letter from Letterlander Quarrelsome Queen this week. How quickly she responded! Click on the image left to read it.
As you can see, she thought their Happy 50th Birthday video was unquestionably, quite magnificent!
I’m certainly not going to quibble about that – it really was top quality!
Thank you Quarrelsome Queen. We are really happy that you liked our video!
If you missed our video earlier this week here is a link.
As lots of you know, Year 1 LOOOOOOOOVE Letterland! We have embraced EVERYTHING Letterland…including our Christmas Show last year. In case you didn’t hear about it, we performed a story about how Red Robot tried to ruin the Letterland Christmas show by stealing all the character’s props!
The Year 1’s continue to talk about the Christmas Show, often referring to the letter they played and the costumes they wore. Sooooooo, when we heard it was Letterland’s 50th birthday, we knew we had to join in the celebrations.
People all over the world have been invited to send in videos of themselves singing ‘Happy Birthday’…well…we thought it would be lovely to go down to Grace Bay Beach here in the Turks and Caicos and do a little performance. What could be better than the backdrop of the Number 1 beach in the world*?
Year 1 have been learning all about Caribbean style houses and homes. We looked at brightly coloured houses with shutters, verandas, ginger breading and other Caribbean features. After all this research, the children set about brainstorming ideas, planning, designing, drawing, making and painting their very own Caribbean style home.
The children collected boxes and other items for recycling and brought them in to school to make their creation.
Learn more and have a look at the children in action and then take a look at the photos below…
View a snapshot of our week’s learning about our endemic TCI Rock Iguana. Enjoy photos of our toddlers to Year 6 as you listen to the vibes of Correy Forbes and the Rakooneers. A special thank you to ‘Rocky the Iguana’ and Dr. Higgs from The National Trust and Amy Avenant from DECR for visiting us.
How can Year 1 possibly be doing engineering? Well, Year 1 is the perfect place to learn and practice engineering skills and concepts. Anyone who doubts the ability of these young children needs to see them in action. The Year 1 students are excellent engineers.
Inspired by reading ‘Rosie Revere,Engineer’ and ‘Iggy Peck, Architect’ by Andrea Beaty and learning about different types of bridges, they set about solving a bridge building design challenge together…
There are 14 amazing, brilliant, clever, dynamic, energetic, funny, great, happy, incredible, jolly, kind, lovely, marvellous, nice, optimistic, playful, quirky, rambunctious, super, terrific, unbelievable, very cool, wonderful, Xtraordinary, youthful and zany children in the Year 1 class.
This is what they said about each other……
Can you guess who is who?
? is a good dancer, a good writer and is good at gymnastics. She has a smiley face. She loves to draw.
? is sensible and a good friend. He is a good reader and likes playing with Lego.
? is very good at sitting crisscross apple sauce. She is good at swimming and likes gymnastics. She can write very neatly.
? is cute and sweet. She is great at drawing and colouring and is a good writer. She likes her teacher and her classmates.
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