A few festive songs on our stage followed by some Christmas activities. A lovely morning of celebration for our Early Years families to enjoy together.
A unique Primary School, offering a British based, child centred education in the Turks and Caicos Islands
A few festive songs on our stage followed by some Christmas activities. A lovely morning of celebration for our Early Years families to enjoy together.
Postponed from last week, due to inclement weather, the Jingle Jam is rescheduled for Thursday 12th December.
We’re sure you’re looking forward to a very merry start to the Christmas season!
Starting at 4pm – until 7pm, come along to get a photo of your little one with Santa 🎅 and yourself a little mulled wine 🍷 other activities include… a festive crafts table ~ plenty of tasty reindeer treats ~ a toddler dance party with all the best cheesy Christmas tunes! It doesn’t get any better!
Under 5 years (older siblings may attend) $5 for every attendee (those under 1yr go free!)
‘Supporting Young Learners through Imagination and Creativity’
This week (7th-11th October), across the Turks and Caicos, early years classes are celebrating the ‘Week of the Young Child’.
Take a look at the exciting activities our Early Years Unit will be joining in with here at Provo Primary School and look out for our blog showing the children in action at the end of the week…
The toddlers have been busy up to the very last minute in their play areas. There has been lots of learning and especially growth.
The way they play has developed greatly since when they began the programme. They play together, alone and they can play for such long periods constructing towers, role playing and even painting awesome pictures. They have really enjoyed dressing up in the career costumes. Interestingly, they all love being a firefighter and will take turns wearing the costume and the hats. Just a week ago they were in the playground running after each other and shouting “fire, fire!”. It was so beautiful watching them entertain each other. No one wanted to come inside. Then the moment of painting comes into play – this is their calming moment. They would paint lots of pictures, sometimes their bodies too. [Read more…]
We are excited to share photos of the children enjoying and benefiting from some of the new extra resources that this years Early Years’ Christmas Jingle Jam has funded. From Toddlers to Kindergarten, the children are delighted and have been enthusiastic to explore them daily. To the organisers, and all of you that supported this event, we the teachers and children from early years would like to thank you.
Have you ever visited the greenfield play area?
Here is a play area where the toddlers can run free. The toddlers love playing in their classroom and outside play area, but they look forward to having some play time on the grass, which they know as Greenfield. The moment their teacher’s ask, “Who wants to go to greenfield?” it’s a big yes from all of them. Shoes go on quickly, water bottles passed around or in their water buggy and they are at the gate waiting patiently for the nature walk that leads to Greenfield. It’s a moment of running free, kicking a ball or just moving at their own pace enjoying the cool breeze, dancing to action songs or kicking a ball. Greenfield provides an opportunity for almost anything safe and fun.
Our Toddler class provides young children the opportunity to have the chance to play and learn in a group. This can help them to gain confidence and develop social skills. The colourful, rich environment and the activities we offer encourage children’s social, creative, communication and listening skills, as well as their physical development. Starting in our Toddler class is a big change for both parent and child. For some it’s the first time being away from each other. There are children who settle quickly to the new routines, and there are others that take a little longer. We understand that everyone is different and support each child and family with their own experience. Here are some great tips about settling your toddler into school.
Settling in, it’s wonderful to see our current little toddler group coming to school, excited about their day, eager to meet friends and explore their environment. [Read more…]
Our Provo Primary Early Years families are hosting their annual Christmas Jingle Jam Disco Party for children 5 years and under and their families and friends.
Wednesday 5th December between 5 and 7 pm @ Provo Primary School.
A wonderful evening for little ones with festive music and dancing, Christmas themed games and crafts, family photo opportunities with Santa. Mulled wine, mince pies and other festive treats on sale!
All community families are welcome come and join the fun!
Tickets $5 per person (under 1 year olds free!). All funds raised go towards our Early Years Programme.
The Toddlers have had a whale of a year in the Toddler’s room and will be O-fish-ally moving on to the Sharks room. The moments spent with them are priceless. They will be leaving with joy and laughter in their hearts. The unforgettable friendships, bonds with their teachers and the many lessons learned. They are a year older and sometimes I think it’s more! The conversations we’ve shared with each other, will never be forgotten.
Do you know what’s more fin-tas-tic?
The toddlers can ride a trike, climb up and down the slide, and run straight on green-field. They know where their bags are stored and can give every child their water at snack time. They even know the rules. They know their teachers’ and they can also call Miss. Sian… especially to come and fix a puzzle or have a foot bath in the sand!
For the past few weeks, the toddlers have been learning about community helpers. They have gained a greater understanding of who our community helpers are and the roles they play every day. They have learned about the dentist, doctor, chef, mommy, daddy, police person and the firefighter.
The Toddlers have had lots of fun pretending and imagining themselves in these important roles, incorporating toy versions of vehicles, tools and uniforms that go with them. They have been fascinated with dressing up as these community helpers because they have distinct uniforms and roles that they can easily understand and, in some cases, relate to. All the toddlers have had their favourite roles and uniforms that they have wanted dress up and role play.
View a snapshot of our week’s learning about our endemic TCI Rock Iguana. Enjoy photos of our toddlers to Year 6 as you listen to the vibes of Correy Forbes and the Rakooneers. A special thank you to ‘Rocky the Iguana’ and Dr. Higgs from The National Trust and Amy Avenant from DECR for visiting us.
In toddlers, we have been have been learning all about “Me”, and things that are important to us. We have been reading lots of books about our bodies, senses, feelings and families. Our favourite story by far is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This story grabs their attention and they love exploring the story with puppets. They always want more and more. We went into the Teepee in the playground and pretended that we were entering the house of the three bears. We didn’t eat their porridge, but we enjoyed laying in their cozy beds, and listening to the story.
We also love playing outside. We’re really good at doing the washing up!
It’s the Jingle Jam tomorrow, Wednesday 6th December from 5-7pm. Join us at Provo Primary for a parent and toddler – Kindergarten aged friendly Christmas Party – older siblings are of course welcome!
Tickets: $5 per person (under 1 yr goes free!)
Community friends are more than welcome to come along!
The evening kicks off the festive season with a toddler friendly dance party, Christmas crafts station, mulled wine, mince pies and a visit with Santa himself! It’s the perfect opportunity for a relaxed family photo with the jolly old guy and we will have a professional photographer there to snap away – your holiday photos will be sent to you free of charge – just remember to write your email on the back of your ticket!
Please contact Katherine Burchill if you would like to help with any last minute organisation. [Read more…]
Toddlers, Preschool and Junior Kindergarten present…
and Senior Kindergarten present…
Wednesday 13th December – 6pm – at Provo Primary School.
Tickets $5 (Children 12 and under free)
Food and drink on sale.
Buy your tickets in the school office or on IsleHelp from Monday 27th onwards. Email info@provolearning.com or call 333 5638 for details or to make a reservation.
Synopsis: It is almost Christmas in Letterland and all the characters are getting ready for the annual Letterland Christmas Show.
Little do they know, the rascal Red Robot, has a sneaky plan up his sleeve to ruin the show. Will the characters get their performances ready in time? Will Clever Cat and his team be able to follow the clues and solve the mystery of the missing props? Or will Red Robot succeed in his mission to make The Letterland Christmas Show a complete catastrophe?
See if you can spot our silly sentences and the characters trying to begin all their words with their letter.
The most highly anticipated Christmas event of the season is almost here – Jingle Jam 2017!
Wednesday 6th December from 5-7pm join us at Provo Primary for a toddler friendly Christmas Party!
Tickets: $5 per person (under 1 yr goes free!)
Open to Kindergarten and Early Years kids and parents (and kids of a similar age outside of Provo Primary – so tell your friends!)
The evening kicks off the festive season with a toddler friendly dance party, Christmas crafts station, mulled wine, mince pies and a visit with Santa himself! It’s the perfect opportunity for a relaxed family photo with the jolly old guy and we will have a professional photographer there to snap away – your holiday photos will be sent to you free of charge – just remember to write your email on the back of your ticket!
Want to help us organise it…read on to see how you can help?
[Read more…]
Take a look at all of this amazing art work created by each of our classes from Toddlers to Year 6! I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s absolutely beautiful.
Bidding has already started at half day pick up today and will be open again after school. Final bidding will take place at our 25th Anniversary PTA Event at the Shore Club on Saturday evening. All proceeds from the art auction will go to our PTA Funds.
We are so proud of all the children for working together with these under the talented, creative direction of Mrs. Yorka and the teachers.
Thank you to all our Early Years’ Jingle Jammers! Our festive bonanza, ‘Jingle Jam’ was a fun event for our younger children and families back in December and generated a whopping $1,101 to go towards teaching and learning equipment for our Early Years Unit.
Well, we are very pleased to report that our new resources have arrived and are already making a ‘splash’ and being enjoyed by our younger students! Here are some photos of our amazing new ‘Water Wall’ and new replacement ‘Caterpillar’. It was lovely to hear and see the children’s excitement when they saw these new resources for the first time. They are both great additions to our playground area – I think the children’s faces and focused involvement in the photos demonstrates this clearly. [Read more…]
As part of our new ‘Helping Hands’ topic in Toddler Class, we spent the week looking at the story of the Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. We learnt from the Rainbow Fish’s experiences that it can be fun to share with our friends. In our games, we enjoyed taking it in turns to catch fish of all the colours of the rainbow. In our creative activities, we really liked passing our friends the silvery scales they needed to finish their Rainbow Fish creations, and working together to craft a big Rainbow Fish with beautiful textures and colours. We are looking forward to a half term of caring, sharing, collaborating and appreciating all the people who help us. What a great way to swim into a fantastic new year of learning!
Toddlers and Preschool present a Pre-Show Extravanza…
and our Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Present…
Wednesday 14th December – 6pm – at Provo Primary School.
Tickets $5 (Children 12 and under free)
Refreshments on sale.
Buy your tickets directly on the IsleHelp App or in the school office. Email info@provolearning.com or call 441 5638 for details.
Come along to Provo Primary School on Monday 5th December for our Jingle Jam Tots Christmas Party. 4:30-6:30pm. All families with children 4 years old and under welcome.
Click on the poster for details.
This year the Early Years team decided to make National Heritage Day a week long celebration. We each looked at different parts of our Turks and Caicos heritage and completed some pretty awesome outfits, dances and songs related to it.
Click on to read all about it and to see all of our photos.
Why not ‘fly’ down on Friday mornings between 8:30 and 9:30am to one of our Flamingo and Chicks sessions – they’re FREE for all parents and babies/toddlers aged 0-2.
Take a look at what is happening in our Toddler Class this week by reading their weekly newsletter and seeing their attached photos.
You may also like to watch our Early Years Video below to find out more about what Provo Primary offers and see some of our recent blog posts.
What a busy and successful half term it’s been in Toddlers! It’s been so wonderful to watch the children explore and engage with their new learning environment, and to see them settle into their new class and routines.
Whilst our day consists of lots of free flow play, choice and self-directed activities, taking an active part in their routines really helps the children to gain autonomy and independence. It also helps them to know that, after a fun filled and happy morning, their proud parents will be coming back through the door to hear all about the day’s successes.
With practice, and the help of a little book made by Ms Shara, the children have gained such a good understanding of the structure of their day that they are now telling us what comes next! Especially when it’s snack time!
Take a look at our photos for a peek into our day. We are so proud of our Toddlers!
What a fantastic week it has been with all the children in Early Years joining in the celebration of Early Childhood Education Department’s TCI ‘Week of the Young Child’. See a video of some of our young toddlers singing Humpty Dumpty.
Throughout the week the children in Early Years got the chance to experience and enjoy one of the Week of the Young Child’s themes – Mother Goose! The idea being that ‘reciting and singing of nursery rhymes help to train children’s memory’. So we all chose one of Mother Goose’s traditional nursery rhymes and completed special activities around it.
We may be the youngest, and among the newest students at Provo Primary School, but in the last two weeks we have discovered we are already able to do so many things in Toddler Class!
As part of our “Magical Me” topic, we have been exploring all the things we can do. Have a look at our photos to see what a capable and independent bunch we are!
We love looking at the pictures of our achievements on our topic wall, and we are looking forward to adding lots of new skills to our repertoire this year.
Just watch us grow!
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