Take a look at all of our amazing Talk4Writing projects

talk4writingTake look at all of our Talk4Writing projects that we engaged in this year at Provo Primary and find out more about this innovative approach to writing.

We want to say a big “Well done!” to all our teachers for experimenting with this teaching technique throughout the year. As part of our ongoing professional development, teachers did a great job in learning, implementing and evaluating the strategy in their classes.

We hope you have enjoyed the diverse range of quality Talk4Writing projects undertaken and we will look forward to seeing this technique develop in the future!

Click here if you want a quick link to an album of all of our fantastic talking text videos.

Talk4Writing: Year 1 share their ENORMOUS storytelling talents!

In our final Talk4Writing video, we wanted to share our wonderful Year 1 storytellers! Last term, as part of their topic on Growing and Changes, the class learned a talking text for The Enormous Turnip. As you will see from the video, the children’s actions and words brought this complicated story to life!

By learning to read a pictorial story map, children developed the confidence to retell this extended story – complete with the finer details of characters, speech and, of course, an exciting ending!

Each talking text provides a wealth of opportunities for the teacher to model techniques for writing. This traditional tale has huge potential for teaching characters and story sequences. On a grammatical level, the story clearly demonstrates how to make lists and use punctuation such as commas and full stops. As they have the story memorised, children typically become more confident in their writing and are more able to make adaptations of their own.

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Talk4Writing: Yr3 Native American culture inspires Year 3 Storytellers!

The history and heritage of Native American storytelling is famous across the world. It’s no wonder, then, that one of these stories inspired our Year 3 class to share their learning by performing their Talking Text.

As part of their Talk4Writing literacy project on Myths, Legends and Adventure Stories, students explored the shared text through a range of drama and performance techniques. Characters and settings were explored in collaboration with peers to encourage discussion and develop the understanding of all students.

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Preschoolers “Keep on Walking” with Pete the Cat!

As part of their Fairy Tales topic, the whole class became confident participating in and leading a range of stories. The Talk4Writing, shown here, links actions with words to encourage active and expressive storytelling, even in some of our younger students. It also allows children to extend their speech by rehearsing a shared story.

Children interacted with stories in a variety of forms, from book-readings and drama performances to watching different versions of their favourite nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Throughout the topic preschool students were encouraged to re-create and adapt stories through play, puppetry and role-play.

Enjoy the class’ re-telling of Pete the Cat:I Love my White Shoes!

Talk4Writing: “The Day we made Muffins in Junior Kindergarten!”

Children in our JK class have been using Talk 4 Writing to share the fun activities taking place in their classroom. And what a lot of fun they’ve been having!
In JK, the shared text was a recount of an exciting morning of baking! As you can see from the video, pupils were excited to share the details of the Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins that were made during Miss Lauren’s visit.
The structure of this recount modeled how to introduce an idea to a listener. It then moves on to sequence the memorable parts of the event, giving specific details where relevant or exciting.

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Talk4Writing: Storytellers, puppeteers and writers in Year 2!

Our Year 2 class have been busy inventing their own stories over the past month, thanks to their shared Talk 4 Writing text: “The Papaya that Spoke”.
Notice in the video how students learned and played with the original story with the use of actions, intonation and a home-made puppet show. All of this rehearsal enabled students in the class to explore the shared text and build confidence in retelling the complete story.
This confidence was essential for children to begin adapting the text for their own writing. By changing settings and characters, children were able to create an entirely new version of the story, complete with a surprise ending!  Click on ‘Read more’ to read some of the stories.

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Talk4Writing: Journeys to other Worlds in Year 4

Take a look at this fantastic Talk4Writing text from the Flamingo Class! As part of their World Exploration topic, students studied stories that take place in other worlds. They set about learning Where the Wild Things Are as a talking text. They were given simple visual prompts in the form of a story map and were challenged to create all the actions for their story independently.

Read on to read some Year 4 imaginary world stories that were inspired through this work.

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Talk4Writing: Kindergarten Instructional Text

“Have you ever wanted to know how to build a rocket?”

If your answer is “yes!” then you’re in luck! The Kindergarten class have been learning how to give clear instructions as part of their Destination Outer Space topic. Their Talk4Writing project focused on the proper way to introduce and organise their instructions.

Read on to see a couple of examples of the instructions that they wrote and to find out more about their next stage – adapting the text to ‘how to build a moon buggy’.

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Talk4Writing: Allow Year 5 to persuade you with “I have a Dream”

Talk4Writing isn’t only about storytelling. As our Year 5 students can demonstrate, this literacy technique is applicable across the curriculum for teaching language techniques in any written genre.

Year 5 students studied the “I have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr. as part of their “Space and Segregation” topic. They were exploring persuasive writing in their literacy lessons and wanted to understand how this famous speech used powerful language and persuasive techniques to emphasize the aims of the Civil Rights protest of 1963. These techniques were then be adapted and re-invented by students in their own powerful, ‘I have a dream’ persuasive writing texts – read on to see some examples.

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Talk4Writing: Toddler Storytellers are Going on a Bear Hunt!

In Toddlers, the children learned a shortened version of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. Children explored the settings of the story through sensory activities and made visual prompts to help them recognise each part of the adventure. As you can see from the video, the combination of visual prompts and actions leads to powerful results in our pupil’s speech. Even at this early age children can sense the excitement and emotions of a story and can vocalise this in their own retelling. Their facial expressions, actions and body language tells just as much of the story as the emerging language that they share!

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Do you know how to read instructions?

Do you know how to read instructions? Well, Osprey class do!  We have been learning, not only how to read instructions but to write them too.

Using Talk for Writing Yr 2 learnt the type of language, the layout and the features of an instructional text all through pictures and actions.  Ospreys practised these and can now use them to write their own instructions.

Did you know that you need to use bossy verbs like decorate, stick, mix, slice and put?  Also you need to use sentence openers like first, next, after that, then and finally.

Next week, we will be writing instructions for making a fruit salad as part of our All About Me topic and food for a tea party with The Tiger Who Came to Tea.

Keep checking our blog for pictures of our instructions and the things we make.

Year 4 Tell us How to Carry out an Investigation

What on Earth is a Talking Text?

This term, in the Flamingo Class, we have been thinking about how we can explain our ideas to someone else. Writing an explanation, it appears, is harder than you’d think!

To help us remember the structure of an explanation text, we have been learning a Talking Text! At first, we thought Mr Toby had gone mad! The talking text didn’t look anything like a book we’d seen before.

This means we all learned to speak our text aloud, before writing anything down! This helped us a lot, as we were able to make sure we included titles, subheadings, full stops, commas and subordinating clauses. All of that without even writing a single word!

This week we have been busy using our talking text to help us write our own explanations, based on our science learning. It was amazing how we were all able to remember our full stops better!

Feel free to drop by Flamingo Class to check out our fantastic writing!