School Lunch a Great Success!

The new school lunch was a great success today – chicken and rice – delicious! Thank you to our new chef, Sandie.

The October menu will be available next week so be sure to sign up your child/children for next month.

Click below to read what the children thought of the lunch!
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PTA Meeting

Following on from the successes of last year’s and previous PTA events, we would like to revive our Parent Teachers Association and invite you to our first meeting of the year scheduled for Wednesday 4th October at 6PM in the school library.

An agenda is available at the school. If you would like to see anything added to the agenda, please let us know.

Calendar Change

Attention all parents: There has been a change made to our calendar. Human Rights Day is on Tuesday 24th October, not Monday 23rd. Please make a note of this in your diaries.

Please click here to download and print the new updated calendar.

Principal’s Welcome 2006

School Newsletter

Dear parents

Welcome to the beginning of an exciting new year for Provo Primary School. All the children enjoyed their return to school. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new members of the school… students, parents and teachers alike. Please take a look at our school website to meet all the new teachers.


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Welcome to Providenciales Primary School’s New Blog!

Provo Primary School is adding a new dimension to its online presence… blogging.

A ‘weblog’ or ‘blog’ is an online journal or diary. It will allow us to create a log of what we are getting up to, a way of keeping everyone informed of our latest news and events.

The activity of updating a blog is ” blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.” Postings on a blog are almost always arranged in chronological order with the most recent additions featured most prominently. To find out more about what blogs are, follow this link.

So check here regularly for all our latest news!


We are a unique Primary School, offering a British based, child centred education to children from the age of 2 to 11 years. Within small classes, our school provides a warm and friendly environment that supports and challenges the intellectual, social, physical and emotional growth of our children.

Our school has developed a strong reputation throughout our community.  It is particularly well known for its academic achievement and creativity, its highly entertaining musical productions and its steel drum band.